random brake lights

Discussion in 'Technical' started by 300, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. 300

    300 happy member

    It seems that my brake lights are coming and going. The centre brake light on the hatch still works like it is supposed to but the standard brake lights are coming and going. I get a lights warning light come on around the ignition lights when ever they are playing up.

    I figure it is a loose plug somewhere. Has anyone seen this one before?

  2. warren300

    warren300 SLICKTOP TT

    Yep ive seen it,

    Black sensor box behind drivers tail light is failing.the reason the the center brake light still works is because it is on a separate circuit from the rest of the tail lights.
    You can bypass the box or fix as its usually the soldered connections between the male plug connector and circuit board have failed.
  3. 300

    300 happy member

    Thanks dude. That has saved me from doing it the hard way.
  4. Hidds

    Hidds THAT annoying guy....

    had the same issue recently, just open the little black box up, and resolder pin 8, its a grounding issue

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