Quick Gripe About DPI

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Nizmo, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. Nizmo

    Nizmo 350z Queen

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    Well with a new car I decided to get my custom plates remade (as my previous ones had been through the wars) I've had my Nizmo plates since 2000 .... only ever been in my name ..... mine, mine, mine. So thats why I was kinda shocked yesterday as a letter rocked up from DPI to my doorstep - the usual "Miss Lynch your plates are now ready to be picked up blah blah blah" (insert small yay here) and then attached to it was a "Right to Display Certificate" with a completely different persons name on it!! :eek: It has Jessica XXX XXXXXX has right to display Nizmo plates. Im hoping this is just a typo by the DPI department and that it doesn't give me too much grief when i come to put hte plates on the Zed ..... but it does have me worried that someone else has just been giving the rights to my plates! :mad:
  2. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

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    I'd be heading right down to the DPI (?) and get it sorted out ASAP. You need to have your name on the certificate for them to be legal sfaik.
  3. artin

    artin ...there is no spoon

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    aww thats just bs...uve had em for so long n now some other chick has the rights to
    display them?!?!?!? :confused: :confused:

    im hoping its a type too...but yeh head down to DPI n tell em!

    and if they give u any troubles just say the word n us Z boys will come down n sort em out no worries :D

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