probably timing failure....

Discussion in 'Technical' started by r5bakakas, Feb 3, 2010.

  1. r5bakakas

    r5bakakas Member

    I took my car yesterday for a timng belt change and the local nissan dealer. After i took it something didn't seem to be right. The idle was too low and there is a hesitation at revving i think. Also i tried to step on it with 3rd and i think there is a power loss especially at the high revs. It might be just in my mind but i know very well my car.... Does the low idle says something? Before that i had idle at about 1100 rpms and when it was cold 1500. Now i have 800 idle and 1100 at cold weather....
    Does this mean that the car isn't preperly timed?
  2. Instamatic

    Instamatic Active Member

    No, it means it's idling properly. A 1100rpm idle on a warm VG is out of spec.
  3. r5bakakas

    r5bakakas Member

    I know it is out of spec but this was the idle before. I use a z32 ecu on a vg30det engine and it cant control propelrtly the idle thats why the 1100 rpm is the right idle

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