PLX Devices Kiwi 3 OBD 2 Interface

Discussion in 'For Sale by Businesses' started by 90TTZ, Apr 20, 2016.

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  1. 90TTZ

    90TTZ Back From The Dead

    For those here with OBD 2 vehicles, I now have in stock the long awaited Bluetooth Kiwi 3 interface. After you download one of the many apps available, it's as simple as plugging it in and launching your app on your smart phone or smart watch. And being cross platform, it no longer matters if you have iOS, Android or Windows Phone, Kiwi 3 connects them all.

    I've had mine I purchased from the kick starter program in my 2006 Holden Crewman for the last 3 months. It was simple as plug in and forget it's even there.

    Price is $120 posted Australia wide.

  2. Nader

    Nader New Member

    Where do I buy one from? Did a Google search for EPIC automotive concepts and got a coming soon page?
  3. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    Just send 90TTZ(Karl) a PM ... am sure he will get back to you.
  4. Stef

    Stef Active Member

    I have an earlier version that I've been using in the CX5. Just plug in and forget. Then you can connect your phone with bluetooth and there are numerous apps like Torque, ODB car doctor, ODB fusion etc. I used mine to hunt an intermittent problem and recorded all the sensors. I could then import the data into excel and draw diagrams etc

    Great accessory
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