Over heated :(

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by God-Man, Dec 5, 2008.

  1. God-Man

    God-Man New Member

    my car over heated last night. I was driving around willows when i noticed my temp gauge slowly rise. i looked down a short time after, and it was all the way up :(. i pulled over and got some help from some random mechanic ( lucky me ). He pulled the big fuse thing off my aircon in the fuse box and put it on my backup thermo fan (i knew it wasn't working. but i wasn't sure why. i shouldn't of driven it i know. but i just got home from the mines and couldn't help my self.)

    Anyways, I'm not sure on what damage it caused, so i left the car on the side of the road over night. I got a lift next morning, and put 2-3L of water in the radiator...... well i probably spilt some of that around the radiator. I then drove it to a mechanic, and he is currently replacing radiator hoses, heater hoses, radiator, fan shroud, viscous fan hub thing (if that's how you spell it). and doing a whole system flush, and compression test or something for the radiator. Did i do the right thing? And what damage could i have done to the engine. It wasn't hot for long...and there was no smoke or noises.

    Thanks allot for reading....i really hope its ok....:bash:

    ZYTRAM Formerly known as martini_Z

    Tech guide to overheating

    Sounds like you have the right idea, your engine should be okay - just see what the mechanic says. Goodluck, my car overheated not long after my rebuild (faulty radiator cap neck) but replaced the radiator and no problems since!

    Definately recommend you get a good temperature gauge, first mod any zedder should do imo. :zlove:
  3. aazn

    aazn New Member

    get a TWD i hear it saves alot of members from overheating....

    but besides that i cant help u any more..
  4. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    look if you couldnt hear it bubbling and couldnt see any steam pissing out, chances are the engine will be fine.. they can get all the way upto 105c before damage begins to occur..
  5. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    Why? His temp gauge did it's job it looks like.

    That was your first mistake, as soon as it moved you should of pulled over. A "short time after" can be all it takes sometimes to cause serious damage.
  6. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    As soon as the temp gauge moves past 1/2 way, it's already at 105 Deg C
  7. Felix

    Felix Custom User

    I think schtein is assuming that God-Man is still depending on the stock temp gauge...which as most people would agree is rubbish. With 3 levels; "cold", "normal" and "boom"
  8. kbro3

    kbro3 Baby oil technician.

    Nah, stock z32 temp gauge is crap, it will only start moving once the car is already 100+ degrees. So who knows what his temp was if his needle was all the way at the top..

  9. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    What difference does it make if you keep driving anyway? The gauge needle moved indicating it was indeed overheating, to continue to drive regardless is obviously going to end in tears. I believe people when they say the Z32 stock gauge is rubbish, however to keep driving when you see the gauge starting to climb is just asking for trouble imo.

    If I even see mine move over 1mm where it's supposed to be, I know something is wrong.
  10. kbro3

    kbro3 Baby oil technician.

    Yeah well obviously, if he keeps driving no gauge will help him. I'm just saying you have to be quick on your feet with the z32 temp gauge, since you have a lot less leeway. Also, the gauge is also crap at showing operational temp, for instance, it will get to just below middle (operating temp) yet the engine temp will still be below operating temp (below 75-85 degrees).

  11. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    Yeah that is definitely dodgy. But another thing too is that you should also be able to "feel" when the car is overheating aswell, it'll start to act up before it all turns to shit. It'll either start missing or just generally run like crap. There's a few indications, one shouldn't always rely on gauges imo.
  12. Egg

    Egg ....

    If you feel it overheating start saving!
    If you overheat and don't notice that your car was running bad as it happens you may be lucky, if you overheat and notice any noises or drop in power start saving it's toast.

  13. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

    Is this

    the first over heat g-man!
  14. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    It doesn't have to get stupid hot for it to start acting up at all, it doesn't take much more than normal operating temperature to notice something isn't right if you know the car i.e a faint miss etc.
  15. Egg

    Egg ....

    Why would a slight operating temp increase cause a misfire?
    I disagree strongly, if you feel it running bad from overheating it's generally too late.

  16. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    Depending on the conditions, extreme under hood temps on a hot day combined with an engine on it's way to overheat most certainly can develop a miss because I've experienced it. Maybe it's more a problem with distributor cars and not coil packs.

    However if what you say is true then the DETT is one VERY fragile motor indeed if it cant take an overheating or two without dying. So it seems the cooling system criticism is well justified. Although I dont really believe that because the majority of people around here I've seen that do overheat, ignore the warning signs i.e a gauge needle climbing.

    Ive boiled my 88T once or twice due to a faulty brand new thermostat and a dodgy rad cap and it was perfectly fine once left to cool and the problem fixed.
  17. Egg

    Egg ....

    I did not make any reference to the VG30DETT being fragile, my opinion is quite the opposite in fact... they take plenty of abuse.
    Merely that if you feel your car overheat it's generally too late.

  18. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    If you're doing 120kmph sure I'd totally agree with that. But at 40kmph stuck in traffic with the gauge climbing, the engine will then start to ping even just slightly because the fuel is overheating and detonating and it wont always end in tears because it happend to me and my VG is still going strong with 215,000kms on it.

    Idealy I dont recommend it though, but the point remains that there are indications to an engine not running right before it all goes pear shaped that one should learn to pick up IMO.
  19. Egg

    Egg ....

    The fuel is overheating? :zlove:

  20. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    In my particular case it was a contributing factor, not so much the fuel overheating but the fuel unable to circulate properly because the engine was too hot and the vapour obstructed it. It was especially apparent when left to sit and heat soak itself up the ass for an hour after driving and it was a prick to start. Just another symptom that can happen if the engine is overheating.

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