O2 Sensor Replacement Help

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Mikezah, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Mikezah

    Mikezah build thread incoming!

    Hey guys, was going to get chris (ezzupturbo) to come over to give me a hand
    with this but I think he still has a heap on his plate which is fine :)

    So I was wondering if anybody would be able to come and help me with this one, I think I have all of the appropriate tools -
    but little tips and tricks or someone who has done this a few times would be a great help

    so other than soaking the O2 sensors in INOX for a few days is there anything
    else people can recommend?
  2. Raheen

    Raheen Active Member


    Deep sockets, cut off the plug/cable (point of no return) and heat it up if you can, vacate the immediate area goes with out saying
  3. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    I always bash the tops off the O2's and they undo fine with an impact socket everytime. Innox soaked or not.

    You need an O2 socket to put the new ones back in.
  4. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    same technique i use.....smash them then use a bit of force to get thm out. 6 sided sockets are your friend on tight bits and pieces like these.
  5. littlechicken

    littlechicken Member

    Used the tools I had

    I was able to remove and replace my O2 sensors with a standard open ended spanner. Yes, fiddly. That is, mm by mm, turning spanner over with each turn. Point is, my existing tools did it. I may have soaked with standard WD40 equivalent but honestly cant remember. Didn't even cut the cable.


  6. zedman

    zedman Member

    get the proper tool not that expensive
    also several socket extensions two knuckles and a breaker bar makes is so easy no bashing or smashing stuff who does that!!!
  7. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Pull the engine and do a 100K and plenum pull and clutch change at the same time :p
  8. Mikezah

    Mikezah build thread incoming!

    its "already" been done chrispy - although I am starting to doubt it with how the cars fuel efficiency is atm.

    I removed the drivers side easy enough by cutting the wires and just using a deep socket. It must have been an aftermarket O2 sensor because it was alot thinner than the oem ones and enabled me to use a deep socket.

    I put in the new one with my hands and tightened with an open ended spanner.

    Yet to tackle the passenger side O2 :)
  9. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Pass side should be easy as then, none of that silly brake stuff in the way and if you pull the battery out there is a surprisingly large amount of room.

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