WA "Northwards and Onwards" cruise 23/8/2009

Discussion in 'Coming Events' started by Jinxed, Jul 15, 2009.

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  1. Vader

    Vader Just another guy

    Well, I consider this a club. We get together at Tech Days and cruises, and basically chat online via this forum.

    Well, thats what I do anyway ;)
  2. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    I have decided... ive been out way to long... at this rate.. ill be there in the zed....

    if not, ill be there in the ute and uber camera in hand.

    Time to get back to roots...

    except for that red head.. she was terrible..
  3. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    updates yet again.....

    1) Jinxed Z32
    2) Chilledpain Z32
    3) Lazyzed Z32
    4) Ugame Z32
    5) Vader Z32
    6) Ianz Z33
    7) gm300zx Z32
    8) vbevan Z32
    9) Kabir Z32
    10) ieatpelicans Z33
    11) Luis Z32
    12) WesternZ Z32
    13) Nightrider Z32
    14) Tordek Z32
    15) Chris.Leathley Z34
    16) Selliver Z32
    17) Romonski Z32
    18) Mitchd03 Z31
    19) Michandy Z32 (hopefully hehe)
    20) Jaybo Z32
    21) kthnxbye Z32
    22) awegazm Z32
    23) jesse300 Z32
    24) djinsta Z33
    25) blueblood Z32
    26) Spikie Z32
    27) Malzx Z32
    28) Benzed Z32
    29) Luigi585 Z32
    30) AK300ZX-TT Z32
    31) Waztted Z32
    32) Loud'n'proud Z32:D

    this is already looking to be a very healthy cruise indeed, lots of cars booked already.....:bow2::thumbup::drool:
  4. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    ill drag zweett along for extra awesome spec photos...

    this house has mad skills!
  5. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    great, whatever shots you guys do get can we make sure ugame gets a copy if possible for the video of the event.....
  6. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    oh i dunno.. i think we can have a competing video! haha
  7. Z-Force

    Z-Force SHIFT_Charizma

    Im in... :)

    I'm in Ross.

    I never go north so I'm looking forward to it...Plus I haven't been on a cruise since forever... :(

    Thanks for organising dude. :cool:

  8. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator


  9. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

    would you like a professional photographer to come along and take some awesome shots jinxed?
  10. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    if he would like to come and ride shotgun with you(or someone else), then fine..........

    the job wont pay very well though, in fact it wont pay at all!!!......
  11. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

    hes not looking for money he just likes his job
  12. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    bring him along then.....
  13. WA300Z

    WA300Z ZD32WA

    I will probably be there, I wouldn't mind getting a hold of some video footage as well. I can't let ugame have all the fun. if it's uploaded on a server or something I could download it to my mac.
  14. Binh350z

    Binh350z New Member

    yer i most likely be goin as well now

  15. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    updates,coming along nicely

    1) Jinxed Z32
    2) Chilledpain Z32
    3) Lazyzed Z32
    4) Ugame Z32
    5) Vader Z32
    6) Ianz Z33
    7) gm300zx Z32
    8) vbevan Z32
    9) Kabir Z32
    10) ieatpelicans Z33
    11) Luis Z32
    12) WesternZ Z32
    13) Nightrider Z32
    14) Tordek Z32
    15) Chris.Leathley Z34
    16) Selliver Z32
    17) Romonski Z32
    18) Mitchd03 Z31
    19) Michandy Z32 (hopefully hehe)
    20) Jaybo Z32
    21) kthnxbye Z32
    22) awegazm Z32
    23) jesse300 Z32
    24) djinsta Z33
    25) blueblood Z32
    26) Spikie Z32
    27) Malzx Z32
    28) Benzed Z32
    29) Luigi585 Z32
    30) AK300ZX-TT Z32
    31) Waztted Z32
    32) Loud'n'proud Z32:D
    33) Z-force Z32
    34) 350ztrack Z33
    35) WA300Z Z32
    36) Binh350z Z33

    dont forget to invite anyone you know with a zed guys and girls, so long as they are in a z car they are welcome.......:cool:
  16. ugame

    ugame user #1

    VIDEO INTERVIEWS: Model Release forms

    Sorry guys, just woke up after a months hibernation :D

    As Jinxed has hinted at earlier in the thread, we'll be again, doing a video of the cruise.

    This time I'm determined to make this video not just about the event (as they always are) but about Z cars and Z ownership as a whole.

    As part of this we'd like to ask people on camera "Why a Zed?" to which you can feel free to praise, or curse your car on camera

    Going for a fine balance of fact and humor as lets face it (says with hushed voice) "Car vids are boring" ;)

    Want to go "big" on this edit, as (and i mean it this time) it'll probably be the last. There's only so many cruises you can vid before it gets very old.


    If you're happy to be interviewed on camera at the event, please PM me with your name, forum name, and email address.

    I will then email you with a model release form to sign so we can use your mug on Youtube or whatever without being sued.

    Once again I'll state, I/we make NO moneyz from these videos.

    If this turns out good enough, maybe we'll speak to the mods about making it a forum purchasable DVD? with a tiny tiny profit margin that would go towards upkeep of the forum. Dunno

    Looking at Nightrider here.... if you're good at putting together some original music of professional quality, I want to hear from you (Assuming Nightrider will be happy to assist again :D )

    No way I want to hog the lime light, or even shoulder all the work.
    If you're good at editing and want to assist in a TEAM effort to product the best vid yet, CONTACT ME.
    Specifically looking for someone with awesome title and effects work (in After Effects or similar) and specialty transitions.

    Camera work/footage
    There's usually a host of camera's at these events. Again, if you would be happy to volunteer your footage to go into the final edit (in digital format) PLEASE contact me

    As stated, in making this vid about Z cars, not just this event, I'll probably give this project a generouse timeline, include footage from other events, inc track and tech days etc etc
    So 2 fold... if you're keen to get involved, dont worry, you wont be hit with "we need this done TOMORROW"
    But also, dont expect an edit to hit youtube the day after the cruise ;)

    Thanks guys.. best I go clear my PM inbox

    (If you're new to the forum, please visit the links in my sig for previouse Z car cruise edits)
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  17. ieatpelicans

    ieatpelicans Cursed BMW

    im fuggin' excited! and its still three weeks away!
  18. chris.leathley

    chris.leathley Nissan 370z

    damn.. now I have to make sure its clean ;). Hope to see another 370z at some point. Am looking forward to it though.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  19. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    how many interviews will we do chris, i was thinking 5-6 will be plenty?.....

    im the guy who will be asking the questions for the interviews for those interested lol....
  20. michandy

    michandy Active Member


    Rosco, I got my motor in :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:
    Now comes the hard part :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
    waiting for parts to arrive
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