Turned out that the entertaining jingling/clanking of my zed was a loose dust cover (metal cylinder) over the rear oil seal on the gearbox. :><It was resting on the driveshaft front uni and clanking around with each turn of the d/shaft. This was spinning only a few mm's away from the gearbox casing and the gear selectors yet no damage to the seal or universal ... :YDAppears to use a press fit (only about 5mm surface tension area to hold so a stick or something could have quite easily dislodged it)- i recall 2 or 3 big thumps on the drive up before our first stop. All secured again with a bit of effort and h/d sealer. No damage and no more jingle bells!!! Thanks to AZA who had a look at the restaurant yesterday for me...[image]http://members.optusnet.com.au/markfield/rear_gbox_seal.jpg[/image][image]http://members.optusnet.com.au/markfield/rear_gbox_seal2.jpg[/image]
Yes, thanks mate ... tell me> Am I right in saying it's just a press fit into the housing ? I used some heat proof sealant to secure it there just in case ...PS: I owe you for getting your shirt dirty... I don't think your partner was too happy bout that.:-0 :-0 :-0