Nistune and liecence thingy

Discussion in 'Technical' started by jamiez32, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. jamiez32

    jamiez32 snake handler

    So I was in group buys and saw the nistune GB and basically I know that nistune let's you tune your car but what is the liecence thingy that they are talking about.

    Cheers jamie

    ZDUCTIV Active Member

    It's a license for the software.
  3. 90TTZ

    90TTZ Back From The Dead

    Before you can adjust anything in the ECU program you need the interfacing software. Any tuner for NIStune has this software but if you want to do it yourself you will need the software and before you can download the software you need to purchase a license.

    The NIStune software also must be updated every three months. This is to ensure you have the latest updates and improvements and also to make it difficult for you to copy the software without paying the license.

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