Nismo injectors

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by BiGZ, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. BiGZ

    BiGZ Iridescent Member

    Hi all, just found out that one of my nismo injectors has failed and cannot be repaired :'(. Is there anywhere in aus that I can just get one replacement?

    I know Coz still sells the 550cc nismos, is anyone doing an order soon that can chuck that in with it?
  2. MickW

    MickW Carntry member...

    Might be able to help you there. If you're talking about the Nismo 555 cc purple tops then I have a full set here, series 1 rectangular connectors.

    I'll be placing another order with CZP soon so I can maybe sell one to you then order a replacement one for my set.

    Out of curiosity, how exactly did it fail and how many kms had it done?

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