new steering wheel - hicas light

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by DJ Rae, Aug 23, 2009.

  1. DJ Rae

    DJ Rae New Member

    Hi. I just got a nice momo wheel fitted. Now I notice that on long trips that the hicas light will go on.. read up on it and i guess its coz I didn't align it right, so the sensor always had me at a constant right turn.

    Now, i want to remove hicas later anyway on my 4seater. What can I do to get that bulb to not light up - I dont want to take off apart the cluster though. Is there a fuse or something that I can take out?

  2. airstyle

    airstyle Z Anarchist

    I'm not exactly sure how TT's work with hicas, but if you get desperate you can just pull the bulb out (it's just a twist-lock fitting).
  3. Stef

    Stef Active Member

    What's wrong with doing the job right and aligning it properly, or do you want to go sideways down the street ?

  4. MikeH

    MikeH smeg

    yea fix it properly, mine was off and there was too much play, caused the hicas to kick in when it shouldn't which is kinda dangerous.

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