Missing issue

Discussion in 'Technical' started by BiGZ, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. BiGZ

    BiGZ Iridescent Member

    Hi all,

    Having some problems with my z missing, it runs rough when cold however it will continue to miss when warm but not as bad. (misses every 5 seconds or so) Using conzult I can get the car to stop missing by pulling about 5~ degrees out, however I am sure this is just covering up the fault.

    The missing gets worse if you put the car into gear, timing light shows that the car is advancing correctly by 5 degrees.

    I have checked the base timing and it reads 15 when warm, checked the plugs and none show excessive fouling. Ohm checked all the injectors and they are fine.

    Anyone know what could cause this or what I should check next?
  2. a2zed

    a2zed Guest

  3. BiGZ

    BiGZ Iridescent Member

    What voltage should I be seeing at idle? I chucked a spare afm on and it does the same thing, must be the connector, time to crack open the wiring diagram :S

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