loss of power - electric fault.

Discussion in 'Technical' started by WA300Z, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. WA300Z

    WA300Z ZD32WA

    There's been a noticeable loss of power lately, it feels very sluggish. The reason I ask if it's a electric issue is because mechanically, it should be all running right because it's been at toms not long ago.

    Also further down in this thread, talking about my old radiator corroding link

    Chrispy's response
    Could this also be a factor? I need to get this fixed also but I can't do it myself.
    Any ideas?
  2. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    weak spark from your plugs or coils could cause power loss, pull out your spark plugs and use a color chart to detirmine if theres anything wrong with them.
    also what brand are they?

    apart from that i cant think of anything electrical that could give power loss, afm giving from signal maybe?
    someone else might have some more ideas
  3. Vader

    Vader Just another guy

  4. awgazm

    awgazm Active Member

    pm sent
  5. WhiteNight

    WhiteNight Littering and...

    Is this the blue motor? She not running strong anymore?

    Let us know what you find.
  6. WA300Z

    WA300Z ZD32WA

    Thanks guys, yeah it's the blue motor. She still runs strong, just sometimes it has a few issues. I'm not sure what it is.

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