WA Kwinana Motorplex 17th March 2010

Discussion in 'Coming Events' started by Chilledpain, Mar 14, 2010.

  1. Chilledpain

    Chilledpain Z Reaper

    Hey all,

    Late notice, but heading down to the Plex this coming Wednesday if anyone wants to bring their Z down for a run!

    Hit me up if you're comin! :)

  2. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    will be there next week filming
  3. ugame

    ugame user #1

    see how these 2 things go

    1) clutch install
    2) Conversation with the wife. (she doesn't want me to break the zed as then I wont be able to sell it lol.) Personally I think a nice quick time slip will HELP the sale :D .......so long as it IS quick of course :S
  4. Chilledpain

    Chilledpain Z Reaper

    So u'll be there on the 17th or the 24th Josh?
  5. Chilledpain

    Chilledpain Z Reaper

    Cmon Ugame! U know u wanna! Crank up the boost n come for a run!
  6. ugame

    ugame user #1

    stock boost bro. no controller. But with a brand new clutch and hopefully running consistantly on all 6...... we'll see ;)
  7. Chilledpain

    Chilledpain Z Reaper

    Drags on tonight! Cya's there!
  8. ugame

    ugame user #1

    still waiting for a clutch :(

    Have fun.
  9. Altari

    Altari '89 2+2 TT Manual

    What's the cost down at kwinana these days?
  10. Anton

    Anton New Member

    around $40 iirc
  11. Altari

    Altari '89 2+2 TT Manual

    Ah k been the same for a while then :)

    Long time since I've gone down. I work wednesday nights until 8pm now too :(
  12. Chilledpain

    Chilledpain Z Reaper

    Entry is $15 (general entry) $45 if you wanna go for a rap down the strip...
  13. Miksta

    Miksta M Spec

    Or free if they like you and PSS :D

  14. Chilledpain

    Chilledpain Z Reaper

    Hmmm... True! How well is PSS known down the drags?
  15. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    Very.... ;) AAA for all PSS staff bitches!
  16. Chilledpain

    Chilledpain Z Reaper

    lol how do I go about getting a PSS shirt and media lanyard?
  17. ugame

    ugame user #1

    I wrote an article once......
  18. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    you can write more if you want.. we have intensives and shirts with out names on it now lol
  19. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    you have to kiss alot of ass in some big name business's who hold power at the plex
  20. Eddie

    Eddie New Member

    How did you go Wednesday night.

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