Just want to know if this is normal..

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Civa, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. Civa

    Civa Civ

    Hey guys. I have been wanting to ask this for ages but it seem after driving for about 10 minutes after starting my TT there is a big and loud fan 'drone' that feels like its drawing all the power from the car and it seem gutless through this period. It sort of comes and goes. But the car never runs the way it does after I just started it for that first 10 minutes or so. Is this some cooling cycle the engine goes through and is it normal? Also my car idles at or a little above 1000rpm if that is relevant. Cheers :)

  2. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    Clean the CTS connector - twin wire connector on hard pipe.
  3. Civa

    Civa Civ

    Thanks K-Zed. But which one is that? and what side hard pipe sorry lol

  4. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    Top hard pipe from waterpump to radiator. Not the single contact gauge temp sensor, the OTHER one ... CTS (coolant temp sensor) has 2 contacts.
  5. Civa

    Civa Civ

    thanks i took it off and it just came straight off because the clip is broken. I cleaned it up and fanged it for a good 5 mins and it the drone came back but went away pretty much straight away. Do Zeds do this anyway to cool down after giving it a bit? Cheers

  6. MAX

    MAX Ex Zedder

    There is an electronic fan on the radiator that comes on if the coolant temp sensor reads that the coolant is too hot. Or if the connection if faulty the fan will come on. ie if the car is running an you diconect the CTS the electric fan will come on and stay on till you reconect the CTS.

    If you cleaned it and made sure there is a good solid connection there could be another cooling problem. Check the coolant temp with datascan, if the temp is ok (less than 90C I think before the fan comes on) but the fan still comes on the CTS could be fault or you have not fixed the connection properly.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2008
  7. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    If operating temps reach ~95+ degrees (depending on a/c on or off) thermo fan comes on to aid cooling. I'm assuming this is the drone you are hearing although it shouldn't be noticed at speed.

    If CTS connector was faulty it would have been causing the fan to come on at start up and during low temp operation + raises idle to aid cooling as no temp being sent to ECU.

    Read up on CTS and A-Z of overheating in Tech Section for more info.
  8. Civa

    Civa Civ

    Yea that's exactly right it comes on at start up every time then turns off. So i thought that was normal. But then it comes up a little after. Ok thanks heaps I will look further into it :)

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