Is This the Future??

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by seaweed, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. seaweed

    seaweed Gone Troppo

    I stumbled across the Teslamotors web site and read the specs. 0-100km/hr in 4 secs. Mileage equivalent to 135mpg. Great range for an electric car - 250 miles. The cost - $US 90,000. But I can just imagine like all new technology the price coming down. I have finally seen an ecobox car I truly want. This thing makes the Veyron look like old technology. I like the trick they do with new passengers. They make them adjust the radio and floor the car. The passenger is unable to reach the controls because of the G's this car pulls.
    Amazing, I want one. :p:)
  2. Swifty Devil

    Swifty Devil Member

    haha the name TESLA.
    50 bucks says its just an extension of the technology designed by Nikola Tesla, when his designs and plans were made property of the US government post ww2.

    heck he had visions for wireless electricity lol.
  3. WhiteNight

    WhiteNight Littering and...

    car has been around for a while. Shame its not super popular. Good car. Nice sound too.
  4. jschrauwen

    jschrauwen My Fairlady Z

    Wouldn't be the first time the big oil companies bought the rights to innovative fuels and motor vehicle tech just so they can bury them and perpetuate their own interests.
  5. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    $50 says it's a marketing ploy just using the word Tesla so as to sell more. Tesla had some really amazing inventions, those that were rumored anyhow. Even said he designed a hand held gun that could level buildings.

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