Is this Normal? (Bov Locations..)

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Axearmor, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. Axearmor

    Axearmor Member

    I have a question..

    I was just reading the Tech article on installing Blow off Valves.. I don't know why I was, as I already have BOVs, but I'm bored. Give me a break :D

    Anyway, I've been noticing on pictures of peoples engine bays and whatnot that the hardpipes look like the ones circled..


    In my Zed, however, the circled hardpipes sort of.. split into 2, and my BOVs come off of this pipes.

    I'm just wondering why mine are different to what the tech article describes, and The pictures of engine bays I've seen look nothing like mine..
  2. SedatZX

    SedatZX Tyranus

    Its normal. You can either put BOV's in your intake pipes or back in the stock retric position. You should get more whoosh sounds when its on your intake pipe but its easy for cops to spot them aswell :)
  3. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator


    Out of sight out of mind is the best policy.:rolleyes:
  4. Axearmor

    Axearmor Member

    Ok, so obviously if I wanted to get a set of those shiny awesome chrome hardpipes, I'd need to relocate the BOV's to the spot mentioned in the guide..

    Unless I can get someone to polish the pipes I have.. They're all dimply at the moment :D

  5. Chad_

    Chad_ Well-Known Member

    and if you have them in that position you should diffconnect/blockoff your stock recirc will get better sound and plus the stock ones are shit ;)
  6. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    Like this:


    It's fine, unless you get pulled up and the cops look in. But too much trouble to relocate mine or cover them. Well at least i can't think of a way.
  7. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    This is exactly what I had. I recently bought Hardpipes

    from Caz, and some BlitZ BOV adapter flanges from a guy on Ebay, and moved my BOVs to my recirc locations.
  8. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    thats what i have

    ZDUCTIV Active Member

    Any advantages (or disadvantages) to having them on the outer pipes as opposed to the inners?

    Like so:
  10. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    Air will be cooler when coming out? Dunno if that's good, bad or other. But the air would come out the same pace whatever pipe it comes out of, since pressure would be high all the way back to the turbos. I think. I'm sure there may be a tiny diff to do with the air being denser at the inner pipes and a diff in pressure drop perhaps, but I don't imagine it would be significant.
  11. Marklar

    Marklar gruntled

    I believe it is desireable to have your BOVs as close as pracicable to the throttle, so that any reversion waves created by closing the throttle would be broken or released by the BOVs instead of travelling back down the inlet tract to an alternate location.
  12. Cartz

    Cartz New Member

    Same as me.

    I also have mine up top and visible on the outside pipes. But i think i will get polished pipes and move the bov's down under the nose where some other people have them so they can't be seen as easily (and cause polished intake pipes look sexy...)
    Will need some help one day to do it though as I didn't put mine in.

  13. jschrauwen

    jschrauwen My Fairlady Z

    I seem to remember the same sort of rationale. When the TB is closed when letting off on the throttle the pressure can immediately be released without adding excess pressure on the TB butterfly. Although I still like the recirc mounting spot for the reasons captured in the this and other tech sections. Minimizing or eliminating engine stall or turbo lag in between shifts or getting on and off the throttle quickly. The "Out-of-sight-out-of-mind" concept is also very appealing. I've yet to find a BOV like the GFB Hybrid that has the same features and mounts at the recirc that's available a little closer to home.
  14. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    Isn't it like a hose? If you have a hose running, you can have a pressure release valve at the top or bottom and the water will shoot out of either as happily? Or is there some sort of wave/pressure theory here that's involved?

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