Is the fuel damper really needed???

Discussion in 'Technical' started by nick300zxtt, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. nick300zxtt

    nick300zxtt Member

    I aim on doing a plenum pull soon and performing all the usual bypasses etc. While im at it i want to do the fuel line mod and i want to really clean it all up leaving off anything that isnt really needed. Does the feul pressure damper need to be there? what does it actually do to aid in the running of the car?
  2. a2zed

    a2zed Guest

    Technically, it is needed to stop pulsations in the fuel system to achieve more accurate fuel metering and increase pump life. Realistically, you or the car will never know it is gone.
  3. nick300zxtt

    nick300zxtt Member

    Cheers, so in reallity its one more thing to leave out!
  4. Chad_

    Chad_ Well-Known Member

  5. nick300zxtt

    nick300zxtt Member

    That is an awesome build and it answered my question perfectly! my damper will not be finding its way back on the fuel system! after seeing the cut away i am pretty sure it will restrict flow when pushing the top end of pump flow. im not reaching for stratespheric power, just cleaning up the bay and simplifying as much as i can. I also like the rail mods and will be considdering that too!

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