Is Spencer/Joe at Nissport on holidays?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by LaZZaR, Sep 19, 2005.

  1. LaZZaR

    LaZZaR Member

    I've tried both Spencers mobile (which is switched off) and the workshop phone and I can't get anybody. I need a new clutch :(
  2. JEDI-77

    JEDI-77 Jedi Master

    leave a message on spencers phone...

    sometimes he is just not available to answer his phone. Likewise, if Joe has his hands buried in an engine he may not be able to answer the shop phone. Spencer always call me back after I leave a message..

  3. LaZZaR

    LaZZaR Member

    I left a message on Spencers phone on Saturday...

    Obviously i'm not expecting him to call me straght back on a weekend, but he still has not called me today (Monday afternoon) which is why I'm wondering if they are on holidays.

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