Is it safe to route my RCA cables here?

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by MattBuzzy, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. MattBuzzy

    MattBuzzy New Member

    Is it ok to route RCA cables this close to the ABS lines? Would they get hot enough to damage the cables?


    Note, I know nothing about brakes so please excuse me if this is a stupid question.

  2. Fists

    Fists Well-Known Member

    So long as you leave a bit of a gap they'll be fine. Your brake lines are only going to get hot enough to damage the rubber if you do some serious track work and aren't going to radiate much then anyway.
  3. MattBuzzy

    MattBuzzy New Member

    Thanks fists, great to hear. Only cheap cables anyway, but I don't exactly want melted green plastic and to short out a channel on my stereo/amp.

    What I may do is tape them to the body with some heat shield tape just to reflect what little heat they do radiate.

  4. syntax_X

    syntax_X Zed Head

    "Self amalgamating tape" works well against heat and wear.
  5. Fists

    Fists Well-Known Member

    You can also go flashing tape from bunnings, its pretty much dynamat without the price tag and will give plenty of heat shielding
  6. aazn

    aazn New Member

    run it there you will be fine..

    even if they do short out, your amps will not blow.

    also they look like fusion RCA's, fusion have a very thick layer of insulation on them anyway.. (its to make up for the thin copper core they have)

    dont be too paranoid. they wont ment on ABS lines unless your fluid is boiling... and ABS unit doesnt get that hot anyway... its mainly the front brakes that will heat up enough to melt the the time the hot fluid gets to the back it will be cool enough to touch... unless you are doing a massive hill climb or a long track day.
  7. MattBuzzy

    MattBuzzy New Member

    Yeah temporary crappy fusion RCA's, they may not even be there when I get my stereo and amps depending on how money goes.

    Just waiting for the 5meter version of these to be back in stock:

    I have been told it will be about 4 weeks.

    Good to know I should have no problems, it is definitely the best place to run the cables as my amp power lead is on the other side.

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