Injector connectors

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Inkar, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. Inkar

    Inkar Black NA Slicktop

    By inkar, shot with WP-S1 at 2009-11-15

    Do i connect the left one with the left one (BLUE) and the right one with the right one (YELLOW)?
    Or do i connect the 2 thick ones circled in red together then the skinny ones? :confused:
    Because it doesnt seem right connecting thick one to the skinny one.
    I got the new ones of COZ
  2. airstyle

    airstyle Z Anarchist

    Yes, thick to skinny and skinny to thick. I did this when I got connectors from coz and the car has been pumping out killerwasps just fine for the past 6 months :D.
    Inkar likes this.
  3. Inkar

    Inkar Black NA Slicktop

    awesome thnx :thumbup:

    TWIN TERROR Well-Known Member

    It does not matter wich way as they are d.c voltage. i did mine thick to thick but it does not matter.
  5. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Don't forget to clean up the injector male terminals

    heavy corrosion on these will negate any benefit of new injector wiring plugs.

    And as others have said. it doesn't really matter which way you wire each up. the injectors are just solenoids which will work with 12V & -'ve on either terminal

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