injector connectors - does it matter which way the wires go in to the new connectors?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by dorifticon, Dec 25, 2006.

  1. dorifticon

    dorifticon Member

    I tried as best as I could to make sure the wires connected up the same way into the new clips, but if they're put in backwards will anything untoward happen?

    Stupid question I know but I'd rather not blow anything up.
  2. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

    I did go

    to the trouble off putting the injectors connectors back on the same way they came off. I found out later that in fact it dose'nt matter which way you reconnect the em. They work either way. It dose matter with the coil packs.

  3. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    As Beaver said. doesnt matter

    which way on injector connectors... Coil pack does though
  4. dorifticon

    dorifticon Member

    Wo0t!1111 You guys rock. NOt to bite the hand that feeds me info, but...

    What are you guys doing logged on Christmas day>?

    Wait a minute, I'm...


    Thanks and merry christmas!!!


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