Indicators dont work, help?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by ketterz, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. ketterz

    ketterz New Member

    Ok so I have been playing around near fuse box ect wiring up some gauges and now this morning my indicators dont work. If i put hazard lights on they come on but move the indicator stalk up or down and no turn signals come on the dash and no indicator lights.

    I have replaced the 'Turn Signal' 10A fuse as below (bottom row middle) with a new one however the old one looked fine, but still doesn't work.
    my fuse box looks like this right now, are you ment to have no fuses in the spaces left blank?

    Are there another fuses or something that I need to look at to get my indicators to work again?
  2. Brock32

    Brock32 Active Member

    Is the ignition on?

    Hazards will work without ignition.

    Pays to check.
  3. Benny_C

    Benny_C About as subtle as...

    Typical and common problem.
    Problem is a sticky or dodgy connector that plugs into your hazzard switch. and/or dirty contacts inside the actual hazzard switch itself.

    pull the plug off, spray it with contact cleaner, give it some good solid wiggles to the on/off position. Plug back in and check the connector is plugged in well. Should work. If not, try swapping the hazzard switch over.

    TWIN TERROR Well-Known Member

    That would be funny.
  5. skidMarkNZ

    skidMarkNZ Custom User Title

    Why would that be funny?

    hes probably right it is a common problem, i struggle to understand the humour of the situatioin?
  6. ketterz

    ketterz New Member

    Thanks benny C, was the harzard light not sitting flush with the side pod, bit of a giggle and the indicators were working again, YAY.
  7. ZeDHeD

    ZeDHeD Well-Known Member

    He just means if the ignition isn't turned on the indicators won't work even though the hazards will!........& it would be funny if it was something that simple that had been overlooked?? ;):p:p:p

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