VIC Imports Club event #3.

Discussion in 'Post Event Discussion' started by mr zed x, May 17, 2010.

  1. mr zed x

    mr zed x chassis scrubbin..

    well we had a hills cruise as number 1, a show n shine for number 2, and number 3 was a beach run..

    number 4.. still after ideas...its hard, with the last being 127 cars strong, its VERY hard to just cruise without causing mayhem lol..

    so maybe a grunge themed meet up? like a massive parking area withing industrials. music + dj?

    or an orinteering type day?
    dyno day?

    bahh.. im thinking the grunge meet. what do you recommend (and would interest + make you attend) Mr. Elie?
  2. Mikey5555

    Mikey5555 Grid Runner

    Honestly if there was an industrial area / warehouse / factory thing I would definately trek it down

    dates permitting obviously haha

    ZXDEVIL Active Member

    Same here. No joke. :D

    Looks like a great cruise, props for organising. Oh and that bayside blue on the GTR's is :drool:...
  4. mr zed x

    mr zed x chassis scrubbin..

    most likely thats whats going to be the go i think. massive carpark in industrials / factorys and a good kinda show themed day.

    deff come mikey ! will be in a couple months time when we plan it :D

    haha i hope you keep your word :D
    be great to meet some more zedders. especially from other states !

    thanks for the comments bud :) was a good day. and yeah, i was sad the zed wasnt there.. although those GTR's did steal my heart for the day.
  5. SedatZX

    SedatZX Tyranus

    very nice meet up, thats the forums yes?
  6. mr zed x

    mr zed x chassis scrubbin..

    thanks sedat.

    and yeah mate, just noticed you joined :) was talking to chris a while back about you haha. hope to meet you soon bud.

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