Humming noise coming from rear.

Discussion in 'Technical' started by FatChickThriller, Jun 17, 2014.


    QLDZDR ID=David

    A good tip there. Time to flush that diff. Might be worth while buying one of those magnetic drain plugs for the diff so when you flush it you grab the suspended fragments. I have seen a couple in the for sale section.
  2. munted

    munted New Member

    Just going to throw this out there.
    Humming noise from rear

    Fuel pump and FPCU on the way out

    Might be worth investigating and a lot cheaper than a trans rebuild
  3. Dif oil has been changed, still the issue persists.

    I am currently having the transmission rebuilt. This will hopefully resolve the issue

    QLDZDR ID=David

    So FC are you getting any upgrades, like Kevlar belts??? I read that is a thing, in a post by one of the big power members on this forum.

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