how to break into my car

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Shnorque, Jun 4, 2005.

  1. Shnorque

    Shnorque New Member

    rigth. so i locked my keys in the zed, i havent had it very long so i dont have a spare. is there anyway i can get in without a key or should i just pay some locksmith to do it? obviously the locksmith would be the better idea but i dont much feel like paying if i can do it myself?
  2. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    There have been numerous posts on this in the past 12mths. Try SEARCH.
  3. Shnorque

    Shnorque New Member

    well perhaps you could suggest what to search for

    because despite my best efforts i cant find sfa...
  4. Datzboy

    Datzboy New Member

    how to break into your car

    The way I've done it.
    Wedge a couple of bits of soft wood, carboard or something soft between the drivers or passengers window at the top so there is enough gap to slide in a 1 metre metal ruler. Slide the ruler in behind the door lock and flick it open. Not so east, you may need to put a slight bend in the ruler so you can get it behind the door lock.
    Should I have posted this?
    Now everyone knows how to break into our beloved Zeds!
    Hope this helps Shnorque.
  5. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    GREAT!This is why we have PM'd this info in the past, thanks for nothing.
  6. TT&NA

    TT&NA New Member


    I Think i should go out now and get my ZED full insurance.
  7. rohanshepherd

    rohanshepherd New Member

  8. imma2r

    imma2r Member

    This technique is no secret

    It is an oldy that you can apply to almost any car.

    I don't think we are telling would-be thieves anything they don't already know.
  9. Cra-Z-Boy

    Cra-Z-Boy no nissan at all :(

    im with Chili thats not the best thing to post on here VTD:thumbsdown:
  10. MaxsZX

    MaxsZX Active Member

    You need to actually VTD the post in order for it to be deleted.....

    theres no point writing in VTD as it wont delete the post, you have to actually click on the post you want deleted then click on VTD.

  11. rohanshepherd

    rohanshepherd New Member

    Re: You need to actually VTD the post in order for it to be deleted.....

    I did i just thought it might be a reminder to others if they hadnt thought of it
  12. MaxsZX

    MaxsZX Active Member

    Are you sure?

    cause there is nothing next to the post stating "vote to delete" like it usually does.

  13. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    If you're properly logged into the site

    and then open the post you want to delete, you do get the VTD option!
  14. MaxsZX

    MaxsZX Active Member

    Sorry Doug...i meant to say

    That when someone clicks on a post then they select VTD there usually comes up a message next to the post that someone has selected to VTD that post, do i make sense now? I had a late nite and am still recovering:LOL:

  15. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    Sort of...

    The post only gets deleted after 5 have VTD'd, and no-one knows who did it!!! (Except the Mods) This thread is gonna drop down to one third size when number five acts!
  16. method

    method Active Member

    whats the big deal, if someone wants your car they will get it regardless

    of your alarm, or if it is parked between 2 other cars. If they want it bad enough it's theirs.

    Also it's not rocket science to break into a car, stated on the forum or not it isn't hard to work out.
  17. Cra-Z-Boy

    Cra-Z-Boy no nissan at all :(

    its no big deal just not the best info to put on a public forum
  18. Shnorque

    Shnorque New Member

    thnx to the guys who sent me PMs with help. i eventually got in .

    it looks as if i missed all the fun with VTDs - however i did spend alot of time last nite trying to figure out how to get in and i found out there are alot of people out there that know how to break into stuff (although it usually involves some damage to the car and i didnt want that). what worries me is that those people are willing to use the internet to tell the rest of the world how to break into cars - after a night of reading all about it reckon i could get into most cars if i wanted too...
  19. JEDI-77

    JEDI-77 Jedi Master

    I kid you not when I say this....

    at the recent Heathcote drag day, a forum member locked his keys in his car. Out of desperation, we all tried our keys in his door, and I couldnt bloody believe ite when another forum members key was able to unlock his door...:)

    so get in touch with some members in your state and try their keys..:)

  20. method

    method Active Member

    That is common for almost EVERY car made around those years with

    that shaped key. Especially when your barrel and key are 10+ years old, they are that worn even a bobby pin will open them if you try hard enough. You will also find a fork bent the right way will open many cars also.

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