"How Nitrous Works" animation

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by rom-vg30dett, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. rom-vg30dett

    rom-vg30dett Always Broke

  2. scump

    scump John Dorian

    now post this on nissan silvia, so many lil kiddies on there, hookin NOS up to there car to run 13's full sick uleh!
  3. ZX2NV

    ZX2NV Z Racing Evolution

    Good find

    Pretty much it in a nutshell
  4. artin

    artin ...there is no spoon

    top find...that was very cool :D
  5. Zeo

    Zeo Active Member

    I was waiting for "Hi! My name is Troy Mclure. You may remember me from etc.":):zlove:
  6. Zexual

    Zexual Zed Head

  7. Eastern Eye

    Eastern Eye !!! MOST WANTED !!!

    now why could science classes be more like that - great find :D - i am feeling smart already :eek: :eek:
  8. LazyZed

    LazyZed Active Member

    That's pretty cool. I already understood how NOS works, but this little animation would be good for any teenage revhead keen for knowledge :D


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