WA Hillside Slide

Discussion in 'Post Event Discussion' started by Vader, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    haha good work brad!!!
    we were going to wait for you, but decided that if the cops were in the area trying to hand out stickers then we should probly move on before they blocked the bottom exit of the zig zags off and got out he "fines" book lol.....
  2. ugame

    ugame user #1

    So wait......

    they performed a u-turn, lights flashing....
    Flew past ALL our cars (many illegally low possibly), and some speeding as they crested the hill, passed the whole lot of us, went the WRONG way around a round-a-bout...... (its on video I believe people)

    he did ALL that because he wanted to ping you for having the ute too low?

    Are you seriouse?
  3. selliver

    selliver New Member

    Just as i said in another post a few minutes ago - police really need a new system for pulling cars ove for that kind of thing or a dedicated department for it - they just dont have the knowledge.
  4. DUB

    DUB BRAMIS Photography

    Would love to get that footage for his Commanding officer.
  5. ugame

    ugame user #1

    yeah,.. we could call it the "department of transport" or something... and give them proper resources like garages with "pits" for "inspection"

    ....wait a second :D
  6. ugame

    ugame user #1

    I didnlt get it on video, but someone must have im hoping
  7. Vader

    Vader Just another guy

    Hmmm Webcam?
  8. ZedZillaZ32

    ZedZillaZ32 Infinite Z

    If the lights were on whats the problem?
  9. Vader

    Vader Just another guy

    Ok, yes I do have the cop on video. He turned LEFT into the roundabout. i.e. He did a 'normal' left-hand turn into it (albeit the stop\approach was a little sudden).
  10. DUB

    DUB BRAMIS Photography

    Lights do not instantly give the Police permission to drive dangerously or disregard road rules. He was in a 4WD, not a traffic vehicle, no sirens were used either.

    The possibility of hitting someone heading into the round-a-bout looking the other way (oncoming traffic) instead of from the direction opposite to traffic would have been very hard to explain considering the vehicle they where 'chasing' was under the posted speed limit and cruising along behind another car in front.

    If this wasn't the case then forget it.
  11. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    Yeah, they way he dodged around cars was a little dangerous though. Who has the video? Youtube it as "WA police hooning"...i'll tip off today tonight. I have this image a news report about a line of Z's cruising at normal speed and the cop zigging in and out of them dangerously. :D
  12. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

    lol at the cops antics, so pathetic they dont have anything better to do, do they?
  13. selliver

    selliver New Member

    If he is just cruising up through the hills then no i imagine they wouldnt - and a ute would stand out against a pack of imports too.
  14. ugame

    ugame user #1

    maybe thats the issue here :D

    It does seem (due to the mostly mature nature of WA Zed drivers....I think anyway), we as a group get very little Cop attention on cruises.

    Compare our cruises to Antilag, SilviaWA, and any "joint" cruise, and I can say I hardly EVER see a cop on a Zed cruise, and if we do, they seldom interfear.

    Maybe, just maybe this WAS the case. "Dont worry about the Zeds. They're a good bunch.. GET THE UTE!!!" :D (sorry dub ;) )
  15. DUB

    DUB BRAMIS Photography

    I can say from what this poor excuse said to me that it wasn't the case, however I suspect what he was saying only had an element of truth to it. I wouldn't lose sleep debating it online however, I'm sure we all have better things to do than that. I've have seen some absolutely stupid driving done on early aus300 cruises and even some short sighted driving done on this cruise, it happens.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2009
  16. rovlive

    rovlive Zexier

    haha that good that cop didn't get his daily intake of giving out tickets.

    but ya that cop did a U turn in front of me and almost hit that blue Z (don't know his forum name), plus he broke so many road rules himself. When we went past all of us, I was thinking that he was gonna go at the front and make all of us stop and start checking all the cars. Someone said there was another undercover cop as well. So I decided to pull over and stop at the bottom of the hill for little while.
  17. Vader

    Vader Just another guy

    Ok, took it over to the zorst place. it's not the cats at all! :eek:

    It's actually the resonator that has crapped itself. Soooo, the guy is gonna replace both and all should be sweet. Around $220 he expects. If that's the case, I will have a pair of cats to sell :)
  18. rovlive

    rovlive Zexier

    I agree never seen cops interfering in Zed cruise.
  19. ugame

    ugame user #1

    Dont make it easy for them

    Never stop.

    Turn off and go lone wolf, yes... but dont stop :D
  20. Djinsta

    Djinsta Guest

    lol pretty sure, everyone that was infront of the cop pissed themselves. Great cruise tho :D, poor ute that looks soo sweet.

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