Heres a laugh for you guys - Real Beer

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by KEZA, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. KEZA

    KEZA Zed Fiend

    Real Beer

    The general Managers of Cascade Brewery (Tasmania), Tooheys (New South Wales), XXXX (Queensland) and Carlton (Victoria) were at an international beer conference.

    They decide to all go to lunch together and the waitress asks what they want to drink.

    The president of Carlton says without hesitation "I'll have a Crownie."

    The president of Cascade smiles and says "I'll have a Cascade Draught, brewed from pure mountain water!"

    The president of XXXX proudly says "I'll have a XXXX Gold, the King of Beers!"

    The bloke from Toohey's glances at his lunch mates and says, "I'll have a diet coke."

    The others look at him like he has sprouted a new head.

    He just shrugs and says, "Well if you blokes aren't drinking beer, then neither will I."

  2. CnsZ

    CnsZ Nectar Lover

    Had that joke goin around QLD...

    Only it was slightly reversed... The XXXX bloke had the diet coke...


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