Discussion in 'Technical' started by DJ_666, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. DJ_666

    DJ_666 Member

    ok so F*** F*** F*** drivers window wouldnt wind up las night, ok whatever ill deal with it tomorrow when i have light, i just took all the trimming off thinking where th **** is this black box and what does it look like (didnt know due to lack of pictures in tech section) wll guess what i found it, it has somehow made its way INSIDE the door and the window has come down on it obviousl some damage has been done because it wont go back up but i cant get it out to check its wedged in there
  2. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    What is the question?
  3. ugame

    ugame user #1

    maybe "how do i fix my fked window mech?"

    its not exactly as cryptic as "my car is broken"
  4. DJ_666

    DJ_666 Member

    heres the question, i think at that time i was jus venting... i go it out took a pic of it, do the points circled look like they need repairs and are there any more yo can see

  5. badxtc

    badxtc kirby's bitch

    well not on the pic ,,,
    but just solder that part and should be good to go,
    and also keep an eye out for dry solder , and re-solder them as well , or just do all the Bord and be done with it ,,,, nothing to it ....
  6. DJ_666

    DJ_666 Member

    ok so everythings working now... but... that nut which it says be careful not to drop it in the door, the one behind the window, i dropped it in, but i read that someone said to just leave it if it gets dropped in, but now whenever i go over a harsh bump i can hear it bounce, so stripping it again soon and getting that stupid thing out V_V

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