Heavy power steering

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by aussie1_1973, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. aussie1_1973

    aussie1_1973 New Member

    how heavy or light should the steering be while idling and warming up.
    mine seems very heavy, i am not sure when driving as it is not drivable at the moment. The car has been on stands for about two years, could this have caused any problems. It was ok before it was put on the stands, i think.
    Any thoughts would be good.
  2. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    should be pretty light when stationary. takes some effort of course, but shouldnt be a "big effort"
  3. East Coast Z

    East Coast Z Well-Known Member

    Here's a thought.....

    Have you checked the fluid level in the power steering reservoir?
    Placing a car on stands won't be detrimental to power steering operation.
    When the steering is operated & held at full lock left & right, you should be able to hear the pressure relief valve operating.
    Also, the steering will feel much lighter if the car is moving, even at parking speeds.
  4. stumagoo

    stumagoo Active Member

    you state that the car is not drivable, why not? the powersteering is tied into the speed sensor if your gearbox does not have the speed sensor hooked up, if the dash is out (I think) or if the speed sensor wires are some how not connected in another place this can cause heavy steering.

    My car when I got it had heavy steering as well, it had also sat for over a year, its problem was the pipe feeding the power steering pump had developed a kink and the pump was starving for fluid.

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