Hard to believe...

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Stealth, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. Egg

    Egg ....

    I recant....

    ...maybe aliens left that stuff up there?
  2. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Since when, did weather balloons>>

    (which we all know are "aliens") inhabit the Moon:?) :D :D :D The bottom stage of every Luna Lander is still on the Moon's surface, as are several Lunar Rover Moon Buggies. Pretty complex method of faking a landing IMHO8-} 8-} 8-}
  3. Egg

    Egg ....

    Funny that.

    Really strange how the conspiracy books and shows on the telly forget to mention you can see all the trash they left behind with a mildly powerful telescope.
    But hey, that would ruin their story and a pretty good REM song too. LOL
    Weather balloon? if you mean Roswell that wasn't a weather balloon... it was a top secret listening device placed underneath balloons and used to listen in on the Ruskies. :) Hence why the CIA jumped all over it. :)
  4. tassiezed

    tassiezed Senior Member

    If it's hard to believe

    You might like to read this and see if your persepctive changes any. I was at Uni when the first landing happened (yes it did!) and it was a great technological achievement. Unfortunately, even Moon landings became "humdrum" after a few years, so after successfully landing the crews of Apollos 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 the project was deprived of funds by Congress, who didn't appreciate the value of science being done,unlike the "gee whiz" facors of the first few llandings, and 18, 19, 20 and (I Think) other Apollo missions were scrubbed. Of course, the "Moon Race" had by that stage become a one-horse race, as the USSR had had a string of colossal failures with their N1 booster - a giant rocket with 32 first stage engines which was designed for moon missions - and had to abandon any hope of performing any comparable mission to the US Apollo moon flights.
    The trouble with looking back from today to then is that we are looking from a standpoint of a very different set of priorities, coloured by Hollywood's excellent special effects in so many space movies. Put Apollo's achievements amongst 1950's rocketplanes that could travel at Mach 5+ (X15), a 2000mph+ jet bomber that weighed more than a Jumbo Jet (B70) VTOL fighters (prototypes of Harrier) tested in the early 60's, the amazing Blackbird, the Concorde and many other technological tours-de-force which have been forgotten today and you wonder not whether did the moon landing ever happen, but what the hell went wrong? Why isn't there routine space flight, an "orbital Hilton" and a permanent moon base (as shown in '2001- A Space Odyssey')today? I wish I knew the answer. Why has education 'dumbed down' so much since then? Why is science almost a dirty word these days? We've come a long way in some areas but the value of striving to explore the unknown has somehow been diminished. I remember reading that the spinoffs from the 24 billion dollar Apollo programme were worth 180 billion dollars to the companies that patented them. Many of these inventions have made life better for humanity and are of great value today - witness the vital signs monitoring equipment, to name just one branch of technology. Money which could have kept the US space program healthy and flourishing was diverted into the tragic Viet Nam war - where over 2 Billion dollars a month was wasted in a vain attempt to prop up a doomed regime and bomb a country back into the stone age. The smaller NASA budget was then wasted on a "white elephant" called the space shuttle - but that's another story.
  5. tassiezed

    tassiezed Senior Member

    Well said, Mikey!

    But one small point - it was Ed White who died in Apollo 1 with Virgil 'Gus' Grissom and Roger Chaffee. Ed had flown in Gemini 4 (piloted by Jim McDivitt) in 1964 and he was the first US astronaut to perform an EVA (spacewalk.
  6. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    :sHaving just read "Did We Land on the Moon

    I'm beginning to feel like a very small walnut that's just been hit by a very large hammer. I've always maintained that some of the pics and videos taken from the lunar surface, especially the "Earthrise" series, could not have been faked using the technology of the time, but many of the other apparent anomalies are so convincing!
    I guess that there is now no absolute way to prove one point of view or the other, because photographic "evidence" is so easily doctored (even I could, using something like Photoshop). If the Hubble telescope cannot resolve the artifacts left on the Moon, then neither can even a "mildly powerful" Earth-based telescope.
    I've always wanted to believe that the landings took place, because there is no logical reason to for them not to have happened!
    Maybe I'm just stupid
    [image]http://www.mustangmods.com/data/10957/alien05_a.gif [/image]
  7. tassiezed

    tassiezed Senior Member

    You're right...

    Apollo 11 was first. Apollo 8 was the first manned trip around the moon, and Apollo 10 tested, in Lunar Orbit, all the hardware for the actual landing. Apollo's 14,15,16 and 17 were all succesful landings. 18, 19 and 20 were scrubbed due to budget cutbacks.
  8. GT

    GT New Member

    I can appreciate alternate views...>>

    ...as the views expressed by me, are only my opinion based on my observations. I would like nothing better to believe that men landed on the moon in 1969, however there is equal arguments either way, and it should be left at that. however there is one point EGG has raised, about seeing the debris left, with a mildly powerfull telescope doesnt hold water. Maybe you should get a telescope and look. The Hubble Telescope, the most powerfull telescope available, orbiting the Earth, and with no atmosphere to abberate the resolution, and with a massive 2.6 metre reflective dish, can only resolve down to an object 87 metres across, in the distance between it and the moon (beautiful detailed photos of far of galaxies you say? Yes but they are hundreds of light years in diameter). So any debris left behind, is not visible, even by the most powerfull telescope, to prove or disprove the landing. The only method, is a fly-by by a satelite, and one was supposed to have been launched in June last year, by an independant and private company, but nothing has appeared in the media, as to whether this happened, or not. I am still a sceptic, but thats me.
    :s GT
  9. chewy

    chewy Active Member

    It was all a scam to produce Tang

    that lovely orange flavoured powder stuff you put in water to make a drink. Best thing ever to come out of NASA apart from ball point pens and velcro.
  10. JimmyZ

    JimmyZ Guest

    I agree Chilli>

    If anyone has been to kennedy space centre and seen the saturn V rocket as well as all the other bits and pieces from that era, It'll blow any conspiracy theory out your arse.Now, George Bush's plan to land men on the moon, thats gotta be more unbelieveable then the original moon landings.
  11. Egg

    Egg ....


    ...I've seem the pictures.
    But now that I think about it they very well could be doctored or even taken from the orbiter.They went! the rumours that they didn't started many years later, and were linked to folks flogging a book or something else.Love a good story, and that's what it is.... a story.I bet my left testicle they landed on the moon! :)Peace,
  12. krystal

    krystal New Member

    who was out there

    taking the video if he was the first dude on the moon? :p
  13. GT

    GT New Member

    Dont you know anything...>>

    ...velcro and ball point pens were given to earthlings from aliens,via Men In Black (MiB). I saw it on TV, and you gotta believe it if it was on TV.
    GT (expecting a visit from men in dark glasses, and black suits soon, actually my daughter just said, more likely men in white coats, and a padded van)
  14. Egg

    Egg ....

    How did this all start?

    If I'm right... when they first landed on the moon nobody disbelieved it?
    But a few years later some shots depicting some sort of moon landing were bandied about the press suggesting the moon landing was a hoax. And from here it snowballed.
    'open the pod bay doors Hal' was it Kubricks 2001 that started this? or at least the pics from the set.

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