H3C LED Bulbs

Discussion in 'Technical' started by waynoz, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. waynoz

    waynoz New Member

    I'm a few seconds away from purchasing a set of H3C bulbs to replace my blown low beams...


    can anyone tell me if these would be a bad idea or not work,
    or, if I would need to use a resister like you do with LED indicator lights?

    they are equivalent of 6000k but considering how shit the low beams are anyway, they would probably put out the kind of brightness that an average low beam should. maybe?

    I thought 6000k would be blue, but they say white, so I'm assuming they would put out a white light...
  2. syntax_X

    syntax_X Zed Head

    There is a thread in NZR about these.
  3. waynoz

    waynoz New Member

    crap, there is too, and i was reading that last week...

    It just didnt come to mind because they were looking at fan cooled units and these are just standard LED's...

    I'll read through that, Mods can delete this thread if they want.

    QLDZDR ID=David

    These (look similar to your LINKY) will convert your projectors into parking lights.


    You have to find something above 2000 lumens
  5. 3clipse

    3clipse #TEAMROB

    As QLDZDR said, these are made for parking/fog lights..
    Even says it in the eBay ad under the compatible vehicles...

    Wouldn't want to be driving with them.
    You may as well just go for some HID's

    QLDZDR ID=David

    When I bought mine the eBay seller sent me a message to assure me they are brighter than halogen because they were Cree and he had many happy customers.
    Well they aren't and they aren't.

    The cops told me they were too dim for low beams, maybe illegal.

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