
Discussion in 'Technical' started by xzara, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. xzara

    xzara New Member

    Hey guys, so I started my car saturday night, and could hear nothing but grinding. Turned the car off. Turned it back on, and just sounded rubbish.

    I drove it for a little bit, and noticed once the car reach certain revs, the noise stopped. If I started to swerve or go around corners, the sound started again.

    Deff coming from the front end of the car. Im pretty certain its not the gear box, as I could drive it okay.

    Once I stopped the car, left it for a few hours, my mate came to try have a quick look, and the car wouldn't start. The dash lights would stay on, just do nothing.. Eventually it started, and yeah sounded like death again so got the car towed home.

    Any ideas what might be going on?
  2. dieseldave

    dieseldave Well-Known Member

    Too little infor to diagnous correctly at first guess it sounds like low oil in the gearbox or engine. Sounds like the engine though. Check you oil levels first, as gringing is never good.
    If oil level is good. pull off your starter motor and check that it is engaging and disengaging correctly.

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