got done on my way home from the DYNO day...

Discussion in 'Technical' started by dr_zx, Oct 30, 2004.

  1. dr_zx

    dr_zx New Member

    man today was supposed to be a good day... good weather, dyno day, everything was all happening.

    on my way home from the dyno, i'm cruisign with the targas off, music on 10 (it goes upto 32 the max i put it) really quiet and i could barely hear it.

    next thing i know TMU cop behind me. i slow down to 50 k's to let them pass me without dicking me. they slow down, next thing i know LIGHTS...

    i pull over.
    (word for word this is what happend)
    me: whats the matta officer?
    cop: nothign just a rutine breath test
    me: oh ok no problems, great day isn't it? nice and warm
    cop: yeah! (pause)
    cop: no worries ur safe... havnt been drinking good boy.
    me: yeah i dunt drink officer at all, ever
    blah blah blah

    other cop goes and checks my tyres.
    other cop: hey check these tyres out they look pretty bold

    the story starts there...
    ends with me copping 3 tickets as well as an EPA...
    500 bucks for the music!!! can u believe that?

    168 bucks or something for driving a vehicle outside roadworthy conditions or some bullshit.

    AND!!! to top it off...

    i had to towe my car home!!

    CHACHING!! ONE DAY = 800 bucks worth of shit.

    anyway i hope everyone had a good day at the dyno... it was awsome had plenty of people rock up...

    great job to whoever organised it.

  2. JETzx


    thats tight, but thats nothing new i've heard about cops

    just punk asses being them selves. Don't know why you had to get your car towed home though, even with major defect should be able to drive your car for 7 days no questions asked or something like that. Best thing to do is to get your car in perfect road worthy condition to prevent this in future (maybe camber kit to stop your tyres chewing away on inside). Even then they will find something stupid if they want (like hand brake or leaves on your crowls). Some cops are punks because its their job to hassle p platers and perforamnce cars and others can be nice and treat you like a normal car.
  3. Risk

    Risk New Member

    thats messed up!! go see a lawyer!!

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    How long you get to drive the car.....>>

    Is at the discretion of the officer who writes the ticket.
  5. jpc300

    jpc300 New Member


    nothing else better to do, they must of been bored and what was the epa for?
  6. dr_zx

    dr_zx New Member

    EPA was for sound polution apparently....
  7. chewy

    chewy Active Member

    you shouldn't have slowed down >>

    When you see a cop approaching the worst thing you can do is slow down well below the speed limit as it makes them think you are trying hard to be a good boy so they won't pull you over or trying to hide something. They get curious as to why you slowed down and so they pull you over and then the shit happens as they look around the car.
  8. jpc300

    jpc300 New Member

    sound pollution!!!!!

    yea they have to pick something,have fun at epa they are pricks
  9. JETzx


    yeah thats my theory just act as if they're not tehre

    if they're already behind u nothing you can do about it, its too late. Not just slowing down though, some ppl think its smart to turn off into small streets, makes you look so sus and have something to hide from them. If maybe they are miles away and you can see them but they possibly havent notice you then you could turn off if you wanted to. If you want to be treated like apart of the normal crowd then perhaps act like them when your driving, ie. moderate acceleration not rediculously slow etc...
  10. 2TurbosTwiceFun

    2TurbosTwiceFun Temporary Aussie

    Yeah.. if they come after you...with

    no lights... twice I've been pulled over has been them turning round coming after me with lights ablaze... and flashing their lights in a "hey buddy... pull over"...

    Although it's a been different story with the cop magnet plates gone (read: P-Plates)... Go Figure.
  11. method

    method Active Member

    Victoria police are there to serve and defect!

    sorry to hear man, just some info, every defect the epa find it will be $500 for each thing. Try to get your car up to scratch before you go down. Also they can deem the car unsafe to drive if the tyres are that bald which is why you towed home.
  12. JEDI-77

    JEDI-77 Jedi Master

    wow, I thought I had it bad.....

    I got done the day before (friday) at 110kms while overtaking a slow arse van. $165 I could have spent elsewhere. But man, your story makes me feel guilty for whinging...:( Sorry to hear dude...

  13. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    Sam, that's real bad luck to get stopped by a couple of vindictive cops

    They're the sort that justified the name "Pigs".

    At the risk of sounding like a smartarse again, I ALWAYS turn my stereo OFF before I stop the car when I get pulled by the cops... saves a lot of hassles, 'cause then they have to prove it was your stereo that they could hear.
  14. BlaZeit

    BlaZeit New Member

    Sorry to here dude that sux!
  15. dr_zx

    dr_zx New Member

    honestly what do u think the chances are of me appealing the EPA fine?

    the only thing that shut me up when i tried to say my music was low was the fact that the coppa goes to me. look at your boot, and pointed to the subs and amps.

    what really got me shitty was the fact that he told me not to be a smartass when i was asking if i can go around the corner and park my car while i wait for the tow truck instead of taking up a lane and being a traffic hazard... and he turns around and goes to me.


    he tells me he's in a good mood and that he could give me a grand worth of fines for various things in my car. and he tells me to shuttup and take it or else he'll start looking for things.

    what REALLY gets me is that i've never been done for speeding or doing anything stupid. but right now i'm facing loosing my license for 3 months just because i got done twice for having my BACK (and only the back) P plates fall inside my boot without me noticing it.

    I'm just really shitted off with life at the moment. I was just barely going to be able to afford new tyres to put on the car and fix it up, but with all this... EVERYTHING is put on hold. specially with getting fired from my job for something that wasn't even my fault...

    Anyway, i'll be here all day if i go on about my problems and i'm sure u guys have better things to think about....

    All in all... if you think your life is F*** then just have a look at mine at the moment and thank god.

    over and out,
  16. J4Play

    J4Play New Member

    $500 for a non hazardous infrindgement is ridiculous.

    i'd be pissed off too, and probably would have resorted to flopping it out and telling him to suck it. as for appealing, don't know. how do they prove that it was too loud?
  17. method

    method Active Member

    Appealing you have no chance. That stuff only works

    if your going to get locked up. Cops like that are just wankers. I had the same problem with being called a smart ass when i was told i couldn't drive home but did anyway. Anyways, rip out your subs when u go to the EPA because you have to be able to access your spare tyre within 4 seconds. Raise yoru car to ABOVE legal height but not silly high. check your brakes and your tyres and you should be fine. Go to where i buy my tyres from, they will give u fully roadworth tyres for the price of half of a new one with 80% or more tread.

    I know people who drive around with different plates etc now because of cops and they WILL run if they are chased, i know it's stupid and it's an accident waiting to happen but i guess people are sick of being hassled about their cars when there is candy nose clubs EVERYWHERE and people dealing in every area these days. There is no money from busting small time junkies and drug dealers, but look at how they profit from cars. Maybe one day something really bad will happen at a club or something and the cops will get their priorities right.
  18. Cletus

    Cletus New Member

    Toogies are

    even regular cops think they pr*cks
  19. shadows

    shadows New Member

    500 dollars for paly dof dof music.....what can i say :sick:
  20. CHUUBZ


    Thats bullshit man, i didnt know they could even do you for noise pollution

    thats just insane, bit worried now cause im always cruising with the roof off and the 15 Inch subbys pumping away.

    And whats that about being able to access your spare tyre within a couple of seconds, is the government serioulsy retarted??? like for real they cant be serious!!! Who gives a shit if you even have one>??? And if you do does it make a difference weather its 5sec or 2 min..

    just as NWA say...... FU@K THE POLICE!!!!!!

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