Give away

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Red-Z, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Red-Z

    Red-Z Red-Z

    Haynes Owners Workshop manual for 240Z/260Z to give away - pick up only -
    Adelaide northern suburbs
  2. nick300zxtt

    nick300zxtt Member

    Am happy to pay for post to nsw!
  3. Sanouske

    Sanouske Retired Moderator

    How extensive is the engine rebuild pages? I need a book with torque specs for our 240k. Same engine. If good enough, put it aside for me please. Will be around town sometime soon.
  4. rob260

    rob260 Administrator Staff Member

    Ha I still have my Haynes, "how to rebuild your l series engine", and "how to restore your z car". Will never sell, they're classics!
  5. Stef

    Stef Active Member

    I've got lots of manuals too.

    I never use the printed ones though.

    * Takes too long to find it
    * Then it takes even longer to find the right pages
    * It gets dirty.

    Over the years I've downloaded lots of manuals as pdf's.

    * Easy to find the right manual
    * Easy to find the right page
    * Don't get dirty

    I still treasure the printed ones though.

    When I get to build my dream shed I'm going to put a huge screen on the wall so I can bring up the manual there and control it with a remote while I'm lying under the car. (could watch a movie too)

  6. Red-Z

    Red-Z Red-Z

    Hi Chris, It has all the torque settings etc. I'll hold it for you. I'll PM my phone no. call me when your in the northern subs next.
  7. Sanouske

    Sanouske Retired Moderator

    Awesome, thanks mate. Will be handy for the rally engine rebuild.


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