GF's New Z

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by rhy_boy1, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. rhy_boy1

    rhy_boy1 New Member

    She is looking at buyingthis Z :rofl:
    But she wants to know how to go about getting insurance?
    She is 19.

    I've explained to her its pretty shitty trying to get insurance for 300's but was wondering what some of you guys got on your NA's?

    Also, rear facing vents on bonnet? are they illegal? i cant remember, something about spraying oil up or some shiz?
  2. DotDotDot

    DotDotDot Member

    Rear facing vents are illegal without an enclosure ie. mesh or the like, not sure on qld rules but thats what ive heard.
    Im 18, my insurance (fully comp) for my stock as a rock zed with RACV (RACQ in qld) is 500 a year, but im a 3rd party driver, as a full driver i was quoted about 3-4k fully comp.
    Just Cars have good rates for a p plater/modified cars but you really need a few modifications for them to take a good look at you. 3rd Party wasn't that bad at a few hundred with me as the main driver, but full comp is still around the same as RACV.
  3. WhiteNight

    WhiteNight Littering and...

    Holy Moly. That must mean all WRX owners cars` are illegal. I wonder if anyone has told them?
  4. 300ZXC


    Rear facing, not front facing
  5. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby


    Not this shit again !!!!

    There is NO law in ANY state that says you cant have reward facing vents.

    How many times do we have to see this CRAP in a thread ?
  6. rhy_boy1

    rhy_boy1 New Member

    I suppsoe that all depends on how many times it asked?

    Also, someone saying it needs mesh, someone being sarcastic and unhelpful saying WTF? and someone saying its complete bullshit...

    Its a bit hard to get a straight answer, thus me not knowing.
    The car is registered and road worthy so I guess it'll be ok.

    As for insurance.
    DotDotDot, are one of your parents resisted as owner or what? how did you do it?
  7. DotDotDot

    DotDotDot Member

    Im the registered owner, but im just placed as a third party driver under the parents, would be best to place them as the registered owner though, minimal confusion.
    Parent insured it under her own insurance, and I was simply 3rd party, saves alot if you want comprehensive insurance.

    And thats only what ive hear about the rear facing vents, I too would like to know the actual legalities of that.
    And if you have a roadworthy even with the vents it should be fine then, but ill leave it to someone else who is more experienced to clarify that.
  8. rhy_boy1

    rhy_boy1 New Member

    Thanks for your help man.

    I haven't seen any legitimate writings yet on the vents, I've just heard this and that so I'm really not sure.
    It sounds like a stupid rule but I mean, the GT wing, coz it could injure someone :S
    They are all a bit stupid.
  9. zxboss

    zxboss New Member

    i highly doubt they are illegal in any state. they are not a hazard in any way. ie exhausts are for noise pollution, cooler and pod together is for EPA (vic) doesnt meet the australian road standards. theres nothing wrong with the vents. although putting mesh might be a good idea and it will look better anyway. think about it logically, is a police officer going to give you a canary for having vents? i dont think so

    good luck :)
  10. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    would not the easiest, most simple and most clear solution be for you to contact Queensland Transport yourself ... ???

    self help is but a phone call away ...
  11. rhy_boy1

    rhy_boy1 New Member

    Yea I couldn't imagine being pulled over for them.

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