Garbage Truck: 1, Zed: 0

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by NoZed(NoMore), Dec 8, 2008.

  1. NoZed(NoMore)

    NoZed(NoMore) New Member

    Ah crap...

  2. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    :( damn!

    Thats sad to hear and see :(.

    Sorry mate :(.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
  3. sabrewolf

    sabrewolf New Member

    Are the bastards going to pay for it?
  4. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    What happened?

    Story or ban.
  5. Benny_C

    Benny_C About as subtle as...

    Ouch! Really sorry to hear. Wow, there really have been a lot of crash horror stories atm. :(
  6. ugame

    ugame user #1

    oh man
    can i be the first to say "how much for the rims?"

    jks.... sorry to see man.
  7. Red_Turtle_Z

    Red_Turtle_Z 'Nuf said....

    Ahh crap indeed. Sorry to see the zed like that. Were you in at the time? Looks like you'll have to start looking for another one....

    Oh ugame... youre funny.....
  8. NoZed(NoMore)

    NoZed(NoMore) New Member

    Heh.. actually the council were really good about it. First I knew about it was a knock on the door from the council guy who obviously deals with all this stuff for them.."ah, do you own the zx out the front?"
    "you'd better come out and have a look at this"...

    Turns out the the Garbo had a brain-fade and didn't fold up the arm that picks the the bins as he drove past my car... caught it on the rear quarter and dragged it up the street about 5m...

    The poor driver was pretty good about it, he was very apologetic, and I imagine he's going to cop some shit at work! But it was just one of those things.

    Insurance will sort it all out, haven't got the quote back yet, but will be interested to see the cost!
  9. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Faaaarrrrrkkkk! Good on you for taking it so well.

    Hope it gets sorted out soon.


  10. SIM300


    And just when you get it back from the panel beaters!!! Mate, I'm expecting the insurance company to write it off, I hope I am wrong!
  11. Z_FNQ

    Z_FNQ Refuse to Grow Old

    Interesting that you have illuminated side markers. I thought these were only for the US market. Good luck with the insurance company.
  12. aazn

    aazn New Member

    lucky he didnt hit ur zorts lol!!
  13. Bellato

    Bellato OzzyZed

    sorry to see it like that mate. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but i agree with sim300, good chance they'll declare it a repariable write-off, there is substaintale damage. For your sake i hope not

    Best of luck with it.
  14. MoulaZX

    MoulaZX #TEAMROB

    LOL Bastard! Beat me to it!

    Glad to hear it will be sorted with minimal fuss though mate.

  15. r33k

    r33k 'I reek of Englishness'

    mate, looks like a write off. I'd be after the prick who drove the truck and smash every panel in his own car with a baseball bat!

    /me goes and sits down before i turn green and rip my clothes... :mad:
  16. mrkarter77

    mrkarter77 No Really, They do!!!

    You will notice its an import rear bar because of the licence plate bend :p

    Mine has lights too, the pass side dont light up atm tho, think it blew a bulb...

    As for that car... Bad luck :(
  17. joshzxzx

    joshzxzx New Member

    Sorry to tell you this mate but you could be in trouble with this one..

    I had simillar damage on my Zed after being rear ended. it required the car to be pulled straigh as the chassis was bent. the quote came back at $6,500. I was lucky as it was almost a ride off. So depending on the condition of the chassis it may be a complete ride off...

    How does the damage look inside the boot?

    Is the floor in the boot damaged??
  18. NoZed(NoMore)

    NoZed(NoMore) New Member

    Chassis still looks straight and the boot floor is ok, I think... will have to double-check tonight... so fingers crossed it's repairable. Still haven't heard from the bodyworks though...
  19. Egg

    Egg ....

    Don't let the insurance company write it off...

    ...less of course the chassis is bent and you don't want it fixed.
    When someone hits you, their insurance company can not 'simply' write your vehicle off.
    Sure if you're claiming on your own insurance they will write it off if the damage is a high enough percentage of the market value or the agreed value... but when someone hits you and it's completely their fault you have many more rights.
    Looks like a nice clean Z, would be worth more then market value yeah?

  20. NoZed(NoMore)

    NoZed(NoMore) New Member

    Yep, she's in pretty damn good nick, well, the rest of it is anyway... quote for repairs: $8K... Now I've got to hear from the insurance company... but thanks for that info Egg, looking promising for getting it repaired... next year...

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