Funny/notable things said about your Z.

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by tassiezed, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. attila.Z

    attila.Z Awesome member

    should have bought the magna...:bash:
  2. rjdzx300

    rjdzx300 Member

    haha, boss calls mine the bat mobile also but only coz its black and sleek lookin
  3. chr1s

    chr1s n/a junkie

    LOL! I use to think it was a ferrari when i was a little kid, always saw a red one parked in the car park at the soccer park for soccer training and i'd always be like, loooook a ffeerrarriiii!!!

    ehehe :eek:
  4. mattyhylander

    mattyhylander Black Zedder

    Well my Z is black with white 18's and two chicks in a P plate car allmost ran off the road looking at me this arvo! God i laughed!
  5. Reneguage

    Reneguage devilZ advocate

    while my car was sitting on the lawn waiting for a new tyre a little kid was walking past with his family, the starts running around the car the hugged the bonnet. im usually pissed when people mess with my car but i can't stay mad at a future Z'er
  6. bigbaz

    bigbaz New Member

    NRMA guy tonight as he is looking at another 300zx and mine is sitting tehre with the bonnet up and as he is looking towards it from the front, he said is than an MR2, i said no its one of these did you not realise the engine is in the wrong spot

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