FM Antenna. For info

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by James92z32, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. James92z32

    James92z32 James

    I have long hated the horrible long spindly thing that sticks out the ass end of an otherwise nicely sculpted back end.

    I have found the solution.

    $40 oz on ebay, a bit of paint and about a day's work to fit. Not as great reception as the old ugly one, but a damn site more aesthetically pleasing, and you'd be surprised how many people don't even notice it.

    Wait 1 for image.

    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
  2. mhoff25

    mhoff25 Member

    stop molesting your zed!:eek::eek: its not a BMW.:mad:
  3. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    And get a new targa hook and put the squirter back in :p
  4. Martin

    Martin New Member

    i found a simpler (and more aesthetically pleasing) solution about 6 months ago, get the entena cable which goes to the boot, unplug it form the antenna and shove an insulated copper wire (with the contact where u shove it in the radio sntenna strppied, obviously) in it and jsut leve it behind the boot trim, it gets BETTER reception that the standard one :cool:
  5. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    I like that. What gauge roughly?
  6. Martin

    Martin New Member

    dunno to be honest :eek: had some of the stuff they use to wire up houses lying around and ripped out one of the three wires (about 1m of it) if that helps

    ZXDEVIL Active Member

    Isn't there an antenna inside the glass on the rear window, Above the demister?
  8. blueraven

    blueraven Active Member

    I f'ckin love the stock electric aerial. It goes up and down automatically, receptions fine. There are seriously more things to worry about on your Zed than a perfectly functional recessed antenna.
  9. angrybear

    angrybear Moderator

    Yep, a Japan special

    The Japanese FM Band is split into two separate sections and the Zed has two aerials, one for each. I have forgotten the frequencies, but you can Google them if you are interested. In OEM form there are two aerial leads and they join together just behind the original radio.

    In Oz, with our 88.0 - 107 Mhz FM band, we dont need the second aerial (the one on the rear glass), and most people just cut the plug off behind the dash.

    I don't mind the look of the motorised aerial, and when you are out deep into the country, I think you need to have it.
  10. aazn

    aazn New Member

    i dont like the BMW look.. y didnt u get a glass antenna?

    u can get the new ones.. its just a tiny unit that stick on glass and it will give u great reception...

    whats wrong with the orig. antenna anyway? make the car look younger... power antenna....
  11. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    fck me,ts a vortex generator :bash::bash::banned:,do what martin said,i did this last year and never have used that god awful thing nissan designed
  12. James92z32

    James92z32 James

    I like it

    It's different.
    Then again, if I didn't like it, I probably wouldn't have done it.

    A new targa hook is high on my list of priorities.
    And I have a bung comin for the sprayer.

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