Even the best laid plans turn to sh.........

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Psycho, Jul 1, 2004.

  1. Psycho

    Psycho Insurance Underwriter

    yep thats right, im in the proverbial barbed wire canoe with a tennis raquet for a paddle paddling upstream against the tide bigtime. Don't know if anyone is interested but had a couple of emails asking how things were going<P>I'm now stuck with two zeds after wally the whacker turned out to be a damn tire kicker even though he forwarded off a $500 deposit, just goes to show me it truly isn't over till the fat lady sings. Just so no one else gets bitten by this toe rag his name is Jason walker hes from sydney and is about 30, I really don't mind that he didnt buy the zed but he sent a deposit saying he didnt want most of the stereo and other parts etc etc so i listed them and started selling them, oh well not a total loss<P>The TT is totaly de-assembled all over my workshop and god only knows if the aprentice put all the right bits in the right ice cream containers as the devil will be ice skating before i get around to painting it and putting it back together. Handbag (the better or worse half) has said no more folding stuff on my hobby till the NA is sold as she cant see the nutritional value in beans on toast. Damn her, hobby wtf its not a hobby its a lifestyle i tell ya woman !!!!<P>I must say in all seriousness that this is like a big kick in the guts and makes one disheartened pretty damn quick and i was actualy weighing up earlier this week selling everything and just forget the whole project, but i soon realised there was a bright side, im still driving the NA a little longer till it sells or Mustafa the mad leb from next door works out how to deactivate the alarm and steal it<Br>Yes i still have kept the warped sense of humour, without it i would go nuts and become a full blown ricer 8-}
  2. Audiobuzz

    Audiobuzz The Ghost Of AB

    I'm assuming that you got to keep the 500

    if so then its not a total loss.AB
  3. MexiCandu

    MexiCandu Grumpy of the Grampians

    Don't know whether to laugh or cry Lex

    but your way with words sure gave me a lift this morning. Keep the :-Z Cheers
  4. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    ROFL .... well written :YD

    Don't worry Lex .... there's always a bright side if you remain positive, which you are!
  5. Psycho

    Psycho Insurance Underwriter

    Thanks guys, as i said the humour is still

    there so it isnt that bad a little warped but its still there, and yes he never got his 500 back, just slows the tt down in progress is all . but the again the world needs slack jawed troglodite tire kickers to make it function<P>it's all good clean fun till someone loses an eye or gets arrested

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