engine rebuild

Discussion in 'Technical' started by zena, Mar 5, 2005.

  1. zena

    zena New Member

    Hi everyone (a bit long)

    3 years ago we bought ZENA a 1990, 2+2 TT manual. Since then we have had some great times and trips all up and down the East Coast. However, when the car came to us it was old and tied and had not been looked after as a true Z lover would.
    After our last trip it was clear that the motor needed work so, off to John P and the guys at UAS. Just got the car back today. We bit the bullet and got a full engine and turbo rebuild + new upper front control arms. The new motor is tight as you would imagine, so we are traveling gently for now.
    But now with our new engine and a change in work arrangements we have weekends free. We look forward to meeting you all in person in Goulbourn and joining the intrepid travelers on some cruises.

    Beware stickers are tricky things.

    He said `I'll just go and put the new rego and forum stickers on.'
    She said `Hang on I'll give you a hand'.
    He said `I'll be fine I know how to put on stickers.'

    By the time she got out to the car he had one sticker on the inside of the window that read `moc.xz003sua.www' and look puzzled.

    She said `That doesn't look right'.

    Some time was spent in deep domestic discussion about how the sticker should be put onto the car, till he finally agreed that it need to go on the outside.

    He then said `I'll just put the new rego sticker on'.
    This was a success, (he has had 35 years training).

    Picture this.

    She's laughing, he's walking towards the rubbish bin with the mangled forum sticker in his hand that she had to removed from the inside of the window and the old rego sticker firmly attached to the sole of his shoe. A defeated man!!!

    The surviving sticker looks great.

    Ellie and Tim
  2. dink

    dink TT 2+2 5spd


  3. zena

    zena New Member

    Your not wrong you had to be there
  4. Muz

    Muz New Member

    I was out at UAS when they were putting you motor back in. It looked like surgery as they all crowded around your car taking every effort to slide it on perfectly... blankets all over your fenders for protection.... great to see the care being taken! :thumbsup:

    Oh and you should have left the sticker on... would look great from the drivers seat! :LOL:
  5. OZ-300

    OZ-300 Godfather

    300ZX Owners have enough challenges - don't add braille!! :LOL:



    WOKBURNER Bringer of fun and mayhem

    Hah, hah thats awesome, yeah shouldve left it there!

    Will be good to meet you guys on some Cruises,

    Mary and MattB
  7. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    POST of the Year Award goes to 'Zena' :D

    ... if there was such a thing :thumbsup:

    A super story, beautifuly written!

    Cya at Goulburn.
  8. zed4life (zedcare.com)

    zed4life (zedcare.com) Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    !yrros ,snoitcurtsni nevig evah dluohs ew sey, mmh

    Hmm, yes we should have given instructions
  9. dink

    dink TT 2+2 5spd

    Re: !yrros ,snoitcurtsni nevig evah dluohs ew sey, mmh

    Only thing I don't get is why were the stickers made to stick on the outside of the window?
  10. zena

    zena New Member

    Thanks guys,

    Took the car for a run yesterday up the Bells Line of Road over the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, lots of hills and swoops to vary engine revs and help bed things in nicely. Beaut day, roof off wind in what is left of his hair.

    The car ran really well but the motor is of course still very tight so no naughty stuff.

    I can't believe how much cooler the new engine is than the old one. I opened the bonnet about 10 mins after returning home and found I could easily check levels etc. In the past such a move would have resulted in burnt fingers and bad language.

    zed4life, no need for instructions 99.9% of people are able to put on a bl*#dy sticker :rolleyes:
  11. WYKKED

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    Why were they designed to go on the outside.....>>

    Two reasons.

    1) So people could put them anywhere on any surface. They may have been designed to go on the quarter window but that is only the start of where you could put them.

    2) Cars with heavy tint would have had problems trying to stick them on the inside.

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