Engine flooding when cold

Discussion in 'Technical' started by dorifticon, Jul 26, 2005.

  1. dorifticon

    dorifticon Member

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    Well, it seems at least one person had the same trouble as me, but the search deosn't reveal what it's causes were, or how to fix it.

    I just got new dumps/o2s/front pipes put in, and disconnected the ecu for a couple of hours, but this has happened before:

    it was in the garage, and trying to turn it over, I was about to give up for fear of frying the starter when I got a fuel smell.

    So I gave it a couple more tries and it turned over, idled really lumpy for a while, then when back to "normal" (which isn't perfect, but anyway).

    Anyone know where to start looking in terms of fixes?
    Could boost leaks have anything to do with it, I have a few boost leak-type symptoms.

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