The EGR pipe on the turbo manifold itself. When applied heat, anti-seize spray and hammered on 21mm spanner (22mm too much flop) can't remove from header. How do I get it off? The 21mm even being snug fit was rounding the edges.
It was once a 22mm hex so if it's rounding off on a 21 it'll be in a pretty bad way. If the engine is out I've been known to drill and tap the nut with a pipe fitting in a similar situation... it's not silly if it works. You could also weld it up. Or you lose nothing by leaving it connected as the valve won't open once you remove the control solenoid.
Engine is out of car. I removed the turbo from the manifold, placed the damaged EGR 22mm head in the vice and rotated the manifold. So it's free at last Side note: The turbo mount had 12mm and 13mm nuts. Is that normal or previous owner put 2 different sizes on?
Some people modified turbo mount nuts to enable a 12mm ring spanner to be used on nuts with limited access
Attaboy, welcome to the vice squad! I've done dodgier things with 24" stilsons where there was room to deploy them
Thanks for the info My array of adjustable spanners (what ever they actually called) all had too much flop in their movable head and couldn't be tightened snug. And vice grips have no handle length to apply more torque.