Ebay turbo, how much work to fit this GT28R

Discussion in 'Technical' started by planetrobbi, May 30, 2012.

  1. planetrobbi

    planetrobbi planetrobbi

  2. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    If the details about how precise and careful this seller is in respect to the item being offered(when putting this item forward for sale)can be assessed against just how sloppy he is with his overall presentation in his sales advertisement, I would be very, very careful.

    This is not an area where it is acceptable to cut corners or take unnecessary risks(as it could wind up costing you a fortune in the end).:eek:
  3. Z32 TT

    Z32 TT Active Member

    nothing much can go wrong.....realistically the intercoolers will filter out most of the compressor blade LOL.

    GOTTAGO is the only person i know who has taken the dive. he used godpseed turbos though at 450 a piece. thread here

  4. SRB-2NV


    First off, don't waste your time with those turbos. If you want to use ebay turbos try "kando dynamics" turbos as they are proven. Also GT2871R's on a stock motor Z? hope you like lag to 5000rpm.
  5. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    Its not how much effort to install those turbos. Its more how much it will cost to uninstall them and replace them when they fail in 1000klms. :p
  6. stumagoo

    stumagoo Active Member


    For an Item that is located (supposedly) in Aus and by an Aus company their English leaves a lot to be desired.

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