cleaning air filter Q

Discussion in 'Technical' started by ice, Nov 7, 2009.

  1. ice

    ice ice maaaaaaan

    Does anyone clean their air filters with petrol? or everyone use proper oil stuff
  2. DinoZ

    DinoZ Talks sh#t for a living.

    I wash mine with water and detergent, let it dry, then re-oil.
  3. zx299

    zx299 Well-Known Member

    Wash out with kerosene.....

    (shifts road grime without deteriorating filter), then dishwashing detergent, rinse with water, and air dry in the shade.
  4. ice

    ice ice maaaaaaan

    do u just drown in in kero, then squeeze it out? (wearing gloves) ( then give it a wash with soap and water?)
  5. Cool300ZX

    Cool300ZX Tasmanian Zed

    Uni-filter cleaning

    I've a uni filter instruction book and they offer 2 cleaning option:
    1/ using mineral turps wash out completely with turps. Pad dry with an absorbent cloth or paper towel - Then proceed to re-oiling

    2/ wash out using a foam filter cleaner and IMMEDIATELY rinse at least 3 times with clean water. Dry thoroughly with an absorbent cloth or paper towel and allow to air dry. Never soak it in cleaner just wash it.

    Uni-filter suggest option 1 is by far the best!


    Completely saturate foam and outer bands with "warm" filter oil treatment. A plastic ice cream container is an ideal recepticle for this purpose.
    FOLD the foam and squeeze firmly (DO NOT WRING OR TWIST). You can not remove too much oil by hand; so remove as much oil as you can this way by squeezing.
    Replace bands and refit to car.

    That's a copy and paste from the uni-filter instructions.

    Uni-filter suggest "cleaning" the filter every 5000k

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2009

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