CATS poll

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Red TT, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. Red TT

    Red TT New Member

    Poll to see who has stock, hi-flow or gutted cats. Curious to see how many people have gutted theirs and/or had to replace them.
  2. FranZ


    I don't think anyone should even admit to gutting their cats.

    The fine for not having them is rather severe. And the smell will give you headaches and make you feel nauseas! Hi flow cats all the way!
  3. erichns

    erichns S15

    What smell?

    I got no cat and got no smell, so I don't know where the smelly idea is coming from. :p Anyway, is this smell there when the car is cold only?
  4. shadows

    shadows New Member

    trouble with my my cat was getting it in there!

    wouldnt fit in no matter how hard I tried.Then the fuel consumpsion went through the roof. Made a very nasty noise for the first day but then it went quiet but the smell started up.That lasted for 2 weeks ! :sick:

  5. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    Maybe you are too used to it

    too notice :)

    but what about what you CANT smell? eg carcinogens and other nasties. Not that their isn't enough of that around even with the cats as it is!
  6. chewy

    chewy Active Member

    just keep driving fast to keep away from the

    exiting exhaust gases :)
  7. FranZ


    Don't know what you're running your zed on them!

    The smell is the same as when you start any unleaded car up (with a cat) when cold (as cats don't work when they're cold). In a car with cat's the smell goes away; if you don't have cats, the smell is around all the time!
  8. Fleet

    Fleet Speed Racer

    i had gutted 3 inch cats, then replaced them with normal cats. the drop

    in power was quite noticeable, but at least now my car is legal and i don't bottom out over speed bumps any more!
  9. Gazza

    Gazza Active Member

    Anyone driving without cats should really....

    ...think long and hard about the fact they are poisoning themselves for a few extra kw's of power:wacko:
  10. Kalus

    Kalus Finally dug myself out

    I just think of it more as poisoning everyone else...

    and I don't care, they deserve it. :)
  11. chewy

    chewy Active Member

    I thought long and hard .....

    but then I thought nah I'd be travelling too fast to be sucking in my own exhaust smoke (if the car was going that is) :).
  12. shadows

    shadows New Member

    errr I take it that you dont know what happens with a dead cat then?

    you do know what happens then????

  13. ZisLuv

    ZisLuv New Member

    Yeah, not very much. Just kinda lays there and starts getting smelly.

    most of the time the dog will bury it before it gets too bad though :)

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