catalytic converter warning light

Discussion in 'Technical' started by 300zx4ever, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. 300zx4ever

    300zx4ever New Member

    Hi all z fans does anyone know why my catalytic converter warning lights stays on most of time ???i have been told my cats r ok just replaced o2s and tps .
  2. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    is it on ALL the time? The sensor is probably disconnected, common when the exhaust is replaced and whatnot.

    btw: it does not effect the running of your car at all, though if it is coming on only sometimes then you may have a lot of unburnt fuel hitting the cats
  3. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

    Your cp

    and ic connectors are damaged, its droping cylinder 4, and dumping fuel, thats why the light is on.
  4. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    beav....why cyl 4? why not any other cyl? i thought the cat light comes on when you have unburnt fuel in there, usually caused by one of the cyl with low comp getting fuel dumped into it (like you said) but why do you say cyl 4 in particular?
  5. beaver

    beaver southern zeds


    I did an active test edd, and turning off cylinder 4 made no difference to rpm. I pulled the plug and it was black as night, I cleaned the plug, put it back in, and still no difference, so I cleaned the cp connector, (if you have read the previous posts about this car, you would know its general condition) and got it to fire on 4, although it was still dropping that cylinder but not all the time like before. The owner told me the zshop had told him, it had low comp in one cylinder (he didn't say which cylinder) my guess is C4. There is no quick fix for this car, it needs all the efi connectors replaced, plenum pull and a heap off other things replaced/repaired, like the tension bushes, shocks springs, tail shaft balanced, transmission looked at, the list goes on. I suggested to the owner he do a bit of research into it, then make a decision on what he wants to do. The cat sensors are pluged in btw, behind the a/m cats.
  6. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    ahhh so you had previous knowledge of the car...i thought you were saying in any zed with these symptoms the probable cause will be due to a bad cyl 4
  7. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

    Stay off

    the green edd:D
  8. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    lol whatever, how was i supposed to know you had hands on experience with this point is valid god dammit :p:D
  9. 300zx4ever

    300zx4ever New Member

    Thanks Beaver i will go ahead with efi connectors plenum pull just getting some cash together hope u understand and thanks again 4 your help

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