CAS Woes

Discussion in 'Technical' started by DotDotDot, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. DotDotDot

    DotDotDot Member

    Well, in the midst of my first engine install/plenum pull/everything involved with fully working on a Z, I may have happened to have unbolted the CAS bolts while trying to figure out how to take the plug off (turns out it was a rubber sealing which had taken a liking to gripping onto the wire and body of the plug and basically had suckered itself onto the CAS, so after figuring out what everything is I now feel quite stupid).

    So my question is this, How does the CAS fully work? I've read up a few things on the forum and I've seen that there are 8 teeth on the locator.
    I do believe I rotated the CAS quite a bit, if you were to spin it 360 degrees exactly, would it be the same timing? (CAS is facing right, so if it faces right will it work?)

    If not, how would one be able to remedy the situation? This engine hasn't been started in awhile, would poor timing damage it at idle, or would it simply just not start?

    Are there any specific symptoms that would point the engine not starting to the CAS? (We just pulled the plenum and put it back on to take out an excess loom, so nothing else is hooked up yet, this might be fun if it doesn't start :rofl:)

    Cheers guys.
  2. Medallion Man

    Medallion Man New Member


    if you look inside the CAS shaft and the one in the car you will see a tapered section, this puts it back in the right way... (from memory)

    make sure the connections are clean and have good contact as this will be critical to ignition.
    if you're CAS is bad you're car will run like crap..

    do a search on the web for variable timing....
  3. tassuperkart

    tassuperkart Its a lie I tell you!

    Yer as above, you cant really install the cas incorrectly. it either goes onto the shaft or it doesnt.
    However, its gotta be aligned real close as you cant easily trap the cas drive shaft to give it a bit of a twist this way and that to get it right.
    You also have the o-ring on the cas shaft which grabs the shaft so you cant easily turn things this way and that... youll see!!!
    Use a mirror and have a look at the cas coupling on the front of the cam sos you can see where the locating tab is pointing.
    Either just rotate the cas shaft to align or if you still have trouble, turn the motor over a bit by hand to align the tab, directly top or bottom.. whatever....., makes it easier to align the tab when pushing the cas home.

    Its a little bit of a knack but easy once done a few times!!!!

  4. stumagoo

    stumagoo Active Member

    poor timing if too far out can cause issues, if the cas is inserted correctly bolt up so the adjustment is pretty much in the centre of the 3 slotted holes around the cas then use a timing light from there. Personally I had a non start/engine stall and stop issue originally - when I first got my car - due to no wire clip on the cas, a very small amount of movement is all thats needed (even the torque of my engine did it) to disconnect the plug enough for the engine to get no CAS signal.
  5. Mikezah

    Mikezah build thread incoming!

    exactly what I just discovered on my zed!

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