Car ramps / car stands

Discussion in 'Technical' started by MIDLIFECRISIS, Oct 19, 2006.



    Was just looking at getting a pair of car ramps to get teh Z up onto , but all looked steep and would hit front panel . What do people use or reccomend to get it up and keep it up to allow work under car (clutch).
  2. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    Ramps come in several different lengths, the longer ones being more expensive (6ft ramps being about 3x the price of standard 4ft ones)! What I did is buy a standard (short) set, and use a couple of pieces of timber 4ftx2inchx6inch placed in front of the ramps to overcome the problem of clearance... ie. place the timber in front of the wheels and about a third of the way up the goes onto the timber, then up the ramps.
  3. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    What do people use or reccomend to get it up and keep it up

    :D :p :rolleyes: :cool: :eek:

    You'll need a couple of blocks of wood to get clearance on most ramps. There's an article in Tech Section, see A-Z/Service.
  4. blackheartedprofit

    blackheartedprofit New Member

  5. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    Brings a lump to my throat! LOL!
  6. Baron

    Baron Active Member

    Here's something I prepared earlier. 1.8m long, two piece (you can see the extension under the rear wheels). Once the car is up I can remove 1/2 for side access. I think people usually get standard ones fron S/Cheap etc and use timber as abit of a ramp to get onto them:cool:
  7. Caz1

    Caz1 New Member

    My son made me custom timber ramps, more like 1500mm stairs really. They allow me to get my Zed far enough off the ground to get the trolly jack under.
    Caz.. :)

    ZDUCTIV Active Member

    Nixit and someone else from ttnet use:

    They use a garage jack to get them up onto the stands.

    Nixit had his on them for 2 weeks.


    ok that helps me out somewhat

    will experiment and see what develops. tks
  10. OdinZ

    OdinZ New Member

    Hey Baron! I made a set of ramps exactly the same ase yours!:eek:
    Great minds think alike eh!:D
    In your picture im guessing u just jacked the car up to get the rear wheels onto the front sections of the ramp?:cool:


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